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How Much Longer For Nels Cline?

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Sure, Wilco is a band, and they seem to be doing very well together. The band (read: Jeff) also hasn't fired anyone since Jay. That's great and I hope it continues to be so, even if I don't like the music Wilco makes nearly as much as I like the music Wilco used to make. Jeff clearly is in a better frame of mind than he was at the end of the century (ha), and it's possible that everybody in the future will come and go on their own terms. But I think romanticizing the relationships the band members have doesn't do anyone any favors. I shouldn't have to remind anyone that there was only one band member signing the record contract in IATTBYH, and there's no reason to believe that situation has changed in the interim, nor that it will in the future.

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umm, i'm beginning to wonder why some people seem to have a problem with wilco having jeff as its leader. (is this new?) he began the thing; it seems to have developed naturally that the individuals in the band have for quite a long time been content with the starter of the band being the leader of the band; all of them seem to feel that enough decisions get made collectively; and so far i don't see anyone miserable and jumping ship because of some imagined dictatorship under which, after all, they are perfectly free to come or go.


the resentment probably comes from some longtime fans not liking the last two or three albums. too bad. if you were in wilco, you could mutiny or jump ship, but those there now don't seem to be doing that, and the shows seem to be going spectacularly well. i guess if it makes some fans cranky, so be it.

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I'm not sure there are many people who like Wilco and who also have a problem with Jeff being the leader of the band. I certainly don't. What gives you the idea that there isn't any dissension in the band? LeRoy's departure certainly seemed to take everyone by surprise...


I'm not sure where you came up with your armchair psychiatry bit there at the end, but it's an interesting theory, I suppose.


Donna, I think we agree to a large extent, and I don't mean to be dismissive or condescending to suggest those who view Wilco as a collective are romanticizing the nature of the relationships within the band.

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Jesus, calm down. I didn't assign anything. Computers have this new feature called cut and paste. And there are actually sites with song lyrics. I just wanted to post that, not get a lecture on where it was sampled from.

Oh man and here I thought you were making with the funny.

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What gives you the idea that there isn't any dissension in the band?


I'm not sure where you came up with your armchair psychiatry bit there at the end, but it's an interesting theory, I suppose.


i have no such idea. dissent and disagreement exist in any kind of group known to humanity. human nature.


"armchair psychiatry"?? :lol

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There is way too much seriousness around here suddenly....


Lighten up, it's Friday night!


Aw, it's just typical dog days of summer. And how the hey did it get to be Friday already!!!


Ben, thanks for your clarification. :cheekkiss

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Oh man and here I thought you were making with the funny.


:( It's hard to be funny with an iPhone. You can only run with what you find first....and cut and paste is new so it was kind of a novelty. Heck, you can barely read this place on there Misread something and wasn't my intention to derail the thread derailment. Oh well. Sorry.

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I know, but it's not them.


EDIT: jff beat me to it.



i was going to post that you missed the spirit of the original post, but then realized that point would be lost as well.




some folks take the interwebs way too seriously.




on topic: i agree with caliber


and can you imagine the thread that would ensue if there was a 75 minute Bull Black Nova melded into Spiders at a concert...now THAT would be entertaining. :P

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Yes, we've established that I failed to mention that Leroy, John & Jim all played guitar on AGIB in my first post. I admitted my error, now please stop badgering me for my simple slip-up. I'm only human, dammit. :P


*And vibes are just about one of the coolest sounding instruments ever. My boss plays them in his office nearly every day...love the tremolo effect - think old mysterious spy-movie soundtracks. There's vibes on "Someday, Some Morning, Sometime," from Mermaid Avenue II, run through an echo/delay pedal. I think in Kot's book he said that Tweedy/Bennett referred to it as a "delayaphone," and Tweedy found it to be one of the keys to his musical vision for YHF. Badass instrument in the hands of the right user.


But people always forget about Leroy around here! :hmm (Shoulda quit during the movie, that way he'd always be remembered.)


Now when folks around here ask for vibes, I'll know exactly what they're asking for. We'll have to buy one set and just pass them to whoever is asking.



But nobody has straightened this mystery out for me:


According to my in-hand credits Leroy Bach played guitar on:

Muzzle of Bees ~ bass

-says John played piano & background vocals (Is this true? I'm not reading it backwards, I swear.)


I'm hoping it's a misprint and I have one of only one hundred printed, that way I can sell it for a hundred million thousand dollars ~ and sixty-three cents, of course.

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But nobody has straightened this mystery out for me:




I'm hoping it's a misprint and I have one of only one hundred printed, that way I can sell it for a hundred million thousand dollars ~ and sixty-three cents, of course.


Sorry to spoil this for you, but those linear notes are right. Though John has always been primarily the band's bass player, he also occasionally plays guitar and piano on some tracks. I am pretty sure he plays guitar on Hell is Chrome and Hummingbird on AGIB. He played keys on a few songs on AM and I think there are a few songs on Summerteeth he overdubbed synth parts on. In the very short Bennett/Kotche era of the band (four shows in the summer of 2001, as seen in IATTBYH: the film), Leroy played bass on War on War, while John played a twelve string acoustic.



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In the very short Bennett/Kotche era of the band (four shows in the summer of 2001, as seen in IATTBYH: the film), Leroy played bass on War on War, while John played a twelve string acoustic.




yet, I don't remember them doing the same when I saw them in Seattle a few months later. mIght've missed it but does anybody remember them doing it post- Bennett?

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yet, I don't remember them doing the same when I saw them in Seattle a few months later. mIght've missed it but does anybody remember them doing it post- Bennett?


After Jay left, Leroy moved back to keyboards on War on War, because he was the only member of the band who played keys live in the four piece, and to best of my knowledge Wilco has never done War on War live without the keyboard parts.



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Sorry to spoil this for you, but those linear notes are right. Though John has always been primarily the band's bass player, he also occasionally plays guitar and piano on some tracks. I am pretty sure he plays guitar on Hell is Chrome and Hummingbird on AGIB. He played keys on a few songs on AM and I think there are a few songs on Summerteeth he overdubbed synth parts on. In the very short Bennett/Kotche era of the band (four shows in the summer of 2001, as seen in IATTBYH: the film), Leroy played bass on War on War, while John played a twelve string acoustic.




Alright. Thanks.

But say, buddy, you wouldn't happen to be able to spare a hundred million thousand dollars, would ya?

I'll let you keep the sixty-three cents.

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:( It's hard to be funny with an iPhone. You can only run with what you find first....and cut and paste is new so it was kind of a novelty. Heck, you can barely read this place on there Misread something and wasn't my intention to derail the thread derailment. Oh well. Sorry.


Your 'derailment' led to this:

That dialog is a sample from Wild Style.






Which is awesome.

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After Jay left, Leroy moved back to keyboards on War on War, because he was the only member of the band who played keys live in the four piece, and to best of my knowledge Wilco has never done War on War live without the keyboard parts.




thanks, makes sense.

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I think she meant 'lost on Spawn's dad.' Meaning she also thinks I'm an idiot. We can all get behind that. Thanks sweetie :wub



anytime babe. wouldn't want to do anything to mess up your internet reputation. :cheekkiss

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Guest Speed Racer

I hope he goes. They need a shake up. Let's keep it real. The last 2 albums are just not that good.


All Nels' fault entirely, of course.

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It's not all Nels fault that the last 2 albums are pretty lame, but they are the only 2 studio Wilco Albums that he is on.


But he was barely on the last one, since much of it was at Roundhead in NZ, and he wasn't there.

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