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A Central Depository For VCers Music!

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An old song from one of my 90s bands. Lyrics are just me playing with words. Not much else. But if you can pull some deeper meaning from it, let me know! https://soundcloud.com/poptodd/sub-rosa-3

Nice song, I like the overall vibe of this!

  • 5 weeks later...

Looks like IAC may have gone under.

Maybe have another site where we can collect songs from all the VC musicians onto a single page?

Anyone else have an online radio station or something like I had over at IAC that we could use as a handy little collection point/listening station?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so IAC is back up and operational.

Folks in bands who want to be a part of this, go back to the very first post of this thread and check out the instructions and I guarantee you that you will have at least one song added to the station.




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  • 4 months later...

hey all, we just released a track from our upcoming album for free download! check it out here:




you can also check it out on our IAC page:




hope you guys dig it! let me know what you think!

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hey all, we just released a track from our upcoming album for free download! check it out here:




you can also check it out on our IAC page:




hope you guys dig it! let me know what you think!

Very nice. Like the more-country side of Wilco. I'm really digging the pedal steel, too.

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hey all, we just released a track from our upcoming album for free download! check it out here:




you can also check it out on our IAC page:




hope you guys dig it! let me know what you think!

I'm into it :thumbup Second tune is a bit Jayhawky or something. Either way some seriously sweet tunes there. And it looks like Tweedy's wrong, You did get signed! So good we won't ever know. pfft

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hey all, we just released a track from our upcoming album for free download! check it out here:




you can also check it out on our IAC page:




hope you guys dig it! let me know what you think!

I'm into it :thumbup Second tune is a bit Jayhawky or something. Either way some seriously sweet tunes there. And it looks like Tweedy's wrong, You did get signed! So good we won't ever know. pfft

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks man! the sessions were amazing for this one. we were lucky enough to get some pro musicians on e gtr and wurlitzer. it just came together. the guitar player used to play in this band:




they have since broken up and i miss them big time. they were great live.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I've done a cover tune of a Christmas song every year for the past couple of years. This year I did a punky version of "Blue Christmas". No offense to Evis Presley or his fans intended!


I hope you like it! Have a Happy Holiday!



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I wrote this song last year. I'm singing and playing the guitar. My friend made the video.


My heart was absolutely broken when I wrote it. Although the song could be about anyone, I had lost a friend, and I was, for all intents and purposes, shattered.


I hope you can enjoy it for what it is.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Though our drummer has more or less quit he will continue to record with us. Here's a link to the the first finished product of this new arrangement, which in February will make it onto a sampler for a magazine which has a circultation upwards of 10,000.




We have several more from this batch coming down the chute over the next few weeks, likely i'll post them here.

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  • 1 month later...

I tried to get mine on the VC page, but here is a link to mine:



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

well, as one band slowly wraps up its business (http://www.facebook..../app_2405167945) another one begins theirs (http://www.facebook....franksharddrive)


There are new songs up for both. I guess I'm pretty lucky to be living in a place with such a vibrant scene that it's so easy to start up a new project.


With Frank's Hard Drive (the new one) I'm doing guitar and a wee bit of lap steel, and though I'm not singing I do have a strong say in the songwriting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy folks. My band, Butchers Blind, is recording a new album next month. We just filmed an interview/live performance and talked about the new tunes. Would love to know what you guys think.



More videos here: http://www.youtube.c...-_Nyn3d_5zTx0ZA

Facebook: http://www.facebook....chersblindmusic

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