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“It’s more fun talking politics with people who agree with you”

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Starting at 3:38 of the clip linked here Jon Stewart explains exactly what I think of her (especially the "that's actually my favorite part of her" quip).

People fighting back and forth calling each other names is depressing, but I'm still glad there's Jon Stewart to help me feel less frustrated.



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and I don't think you're a moron or a sub-species because we disagree. that's the difference.


I happen to think that criticizing Palin's views, policies, statements, etc. is perfectly fine and healthy. I think that slamming Palin or anyone who supports her (as people, as opposed to their views) is a form of ego-stroking. The fact that you disagree with me doesn't make me angry, or make me feel the need to denigrate you to feel better about myself.

Technically, I'm attacking her fans; but I'm not ego-stroking, and I have better ways to stroke and better things to stroke. Statements such as the subject title do not offer any opening for audiences who would like to discuss the future of this country. If we want to work on this country, then initially, we should to come to terms with everyone's differences, regardless of right and wrong. If you're going to talk about your views among only people who agree with you, you'll never get your point across: you're just polarizing America, and secluding your thoughts from other ideas, better and worse. Not only do they not consider compromise, but there's no discourse or empathy among Palin fans. How do you plan to help a country if you don't understand what constitutes the rest of the UNITED States of America?


I hope not every Palin fans sounds like those portrayed in the article. I'm not putting anyone down. I'm asking how this makes their plan, their vision, their hope, and their star an effective strategy in bettering the nation. If this portrays Palin fans in sunshine, then I'm very very very very very very scared of the country which I reside.


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Type in "stupid obama voters" in youtube.


This is a fun game!


I did, and I found one - there were one or two others, but one was a Hannity clip, and the other some high school kid who’s questions were interspersed with stuff like, “what percentage of cream is juice based?” - which, well, I don’t think it counts.


The video I did find was produced by How Obama Got Elected, a website/movie devoted to exposing how unfairly Palin was treated by the media, which, in any sane world, was not tough enough. But this is a John Ziegler production, so we’re not dealing in reality here. There’s also a How Obama Got Elected blog, and it publishes the rants of the birthers crowd, charges of socialism, etc - so, you’ll have to excuse me if I have some doubts regarding the veracity of what you‘re about to watch.



Most of the questions have very little to do with Obama, his policies, or why people supported him. Not knowing the answer to a question like, who said such and such about so and so is understandable - not being able to give a single reason why you support a potential candidate, not so much.


I’m sure there tons of just plain dumb and uninformed Obama supporters out there, but you might not find them on Youtube.

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Statements such as the subject title do not offer any opening for audiences who would like to discuss the future of this country.


sure they do. the thread title is "it's more fun talking politics with people who agree with you," not "I will only discuss politics with people who agree with me."

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I like the part in the video where that women going on about “drill baby drill” says that we need to stop these PETA people and that we have to take the polar bear off the endangered species list so that we can drill. I also like the women who mentions cap and trade, and then when asked her opinion on it, admits she doesn’t actually like, have one – or the person who answers, “I never really thought about it” when asked why she thinks Sarah would make a fine president.


What is clear, is that the strategy of spreading dishonest, bullet pointed talking points is highly effective, unfortunately.

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The woman who said Sarah Palin made her proud to be a woman made me cringe.


Also, I'm confused about what freedoms these people have lost since Obama became president. We still have freedom of religion as far as I know (which is something that was mentioned).

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Also, I'm confused about what freedoms these people have lost since Obama became president. We still have freedom of religion as far as I know (which is something that was mentioned).


You know, like, all the freedoms, the ones that Sarah and Beck and Rush and Hannity and all those other guys keep telling us we’re losing.

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I’m sure there tons of just plain dumb and uninformed Obama supporters out there, but you might not find them on Youtube.


That's because MSNBC doesn't like having their programs posted on youtube.

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The woman who said Sarah Palin made her proud to be a woman made me cringe.


Also, I'm confused about what freedoms these people have lost since Obama became president. We still have freedom of religion as far as I know (which is something that was mentioned).


Probably the same ones everyone was saying we were going to lose under Bush.

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It's really easy to say "what freedoms are people losing under Obama", but the fact of the matter is there was much hysterics in Bush's term over the loss of our personal freedoms, but can anyone point to me specifically where they personally lost freedom at the hands of Bush?


You can make an argument about our country's uses of torture and wire tapping as infringements on freedom, but if you're going to use the "What have you personally lost argument" against them it falls pretty flat.

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This is a minor example, in some ways, but it's also an interesting glimpse into the way some administrations think:




Reagan limited the public's access to certain records under FOIA. When Clinton took office, he repealed many of those limitations on access.


After 9/11, Bush issued an executive order restricting access to the records of former presidents; Obama rescinded that order on his first day in office.


So in terms of the freedom of the public, and the media, to gain access to records which might let them see for themselves how their government operates (not to mention what records the government maintains on individuals), I'm giving the edge to Clinton and Obama on this one.


You might not think it's something that personally affects most of us, but I know that's one freedom I'd like to have available to me, just in case I ever feel the need to use it.

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