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Song titles with FULL proper names in them

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"Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing" - Minutemen

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I did a pass through my music folders this morning and came up with a pretty sizable list. I attempted to edit out anything that's already been mentioned here.


"Ruthie Lingle" - 16 Horsepower

"Jacob Marley's Chain" - Aimee Mann

"Niki Hoeky" - Aretha Franklin

"Brian Wilson" - Barenaked Ladies

"Be My Yoko Ono" - Barenaked Ladies

"Johnny Ryall" - Beastie Boys

"Nancy Medley, Girl Genius, Age 15" - Beauty Pill

"Harry Braff" - Bee Gees

"Come Home Johnny Bridie" - Bee Gees

"John Darmy" - Bettie Serveert

"Danny Rose" - Billy Bragg

"Levi Stubbs' Tears" - Billy Bragg

"Joe Hill" - Billy Bragg

"Christie Lee" - Billy Joel

"Ruby Dean" - Bobby Womack

"Victor Jara's Hands" - Calexico

"Not Even Stevie Nicks..." - Calexico

"When Leon Spinx Moved Into Town" - Califone

"Alice Crawley" - Califone

"Wants To Be Bob Dylan Singing Electric Guitar" - Charlie Chesterman

"Morley Timmons" - Chisel

"Joan Jett of Arc" - Clem Snide

"W.C. Haley" - Crowsdell

"Johnny Rooke" - Elliott Brood

"Joe Porterhouse" - Elvis Costello

"Matty Groves" - Fairport Convention

"Yolanda Hayes" - Fountains of Wayne

"Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) - George Harrison

"Lady Day and John Coltrane" - Gil Scott-Heron

"Caleb Meyer" - Gillian Welch

"Ben Dewberry's Final Run" - Gillian Welch

"Elvis Presley Blues" - Gillian Welch

"Susanna Little" - Grant Lee Phillips

"Linda Paloma" - Jackson Browne

"Curt Flood" - Joe Henry

"Dear Sarah Shu" - John Vanderslice

"The Rebel/Johnny Yuma" - Johnny Cash

"Alicia Ross" - Kathleen Edwards

"Carol Kaye" - Laura Veirs

"John Henry Lives" - Laura Veirs

"Tom Skookum Road" - Laura Veirs

"Bill Cheatham" - Leo Kottke

"Pamela Brown" - Leo Kottke

"Buddy Ebsen Loves The Night Time" - Los Lobos

"Bob Pine" - Love Nut

"The Ballad of Wendell Scott" - Mojo Nixon

"Bring Me the Head of David Geffen" - Mojo Nixon

"Don Henley Must Die" - Mojo Nixon

"Perry Mason of Love" - Mojo Nixon

"Miles Davis' Funeral" - Morphine

"Michael Jackson" - Negativland

"Poor Ellen Carter" - Neko Case

"Tribute to Martin Luther King" - Otis Spann

"John Glenn" - P

"B.S. Johnson" - Pernice Brothers

"The Ballad of Bjorn Borg" - Pernice Brothers

"John Brown" - Rank and File

"Ariel Ramirez" - Richard Buckner

"Al Bowlly's In Heaven" - Richard Thompson

"Don't Sit On My Jimmy Shands" - Richard Thompson

"Allison Johnson" - Richmond Fontaine

"Barbara Allen Blues" - Roscoe Holcomb

"Omie Wise" - Roscoe Holcomb

"Tina Toledo's Street Walkin' Blues" - Ryan Adams

"Peter Graves' Anatomy" - Scud Mountain Boys

"Mildred Pierce" - Sonic Youth

"I Can't Believe Kurt Cobain Is Dead" - Spoon

"Alison Gross" - Steeleye Span

"The Ballad of Art Snyder" - The Balancing Act

"John Riley" - The Byrds

"Sean Flynn" - The Clash

"Janie Jones" - The Clash

"Ray Bouvier" - The Fiery Furnaces

"Billy Hunt" - The Jam

"Frank Mills" - The Lemonheads

"Willie and Laura Mae Jones" - The Persuasions

"Frankie Carroll" - Thin Lizzy

"Tribute to Hank Williams" - Tim Hardin

"The Incredible Journey of Timothy Chase" - Tomorrow

"Elvis Presley and America" - U2

"Joe Harper Saturday Morning" - Van Morrison

"Maria Novarro" - Was (Not Was)

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So many and even though I've read all posted, I'm not sure if these have been mentioned:


Lilli Schull by Uncle Tupelo

Hey, Johnny Park! by Foo Fighters

Doris Cunningham by They Might Be Giants

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From the pen of Kurt Wagner:


Lambchop: Gloria Leonard;

Lambchop: Theme From The Neil Miller Show;

Lambchop: D Scott Parsley;

Lambchop: Steve McQueen;

Lambchop: Timothy B Schmidt

Lambchop: Sharing A Gibson With Martin Luther King Jr.

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