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I got free tickets to see Kings of Leon next month, and Band of Horses is opening. I have never seen either of these bands, but from what I have heard of their music, I think I'm going to like Band of Horses a lot better. Anyone else seeing them on this tour?

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Band Of Horses are a great live band. I saw them when they still played small places and it was an excellent show.


Kings of Leon..... Awful... Just Awful.... Although I know there are some folks around here that dig them and that's cool.

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I saw Kings of Leon a few times on their first two albums, which i still like. They were good. I wouldn't go see them again, though. I don't like the direction they've taken musically and aesthetically. I probably stated on this forum a few years ago that I thought they had the potential to be a really great band, but they seem to be forcing themselves into something of a U2 type of band, and it just doesn't even come close to working for me.

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Band of horses are worth it anytime/anyplace/anyprice under $30. Great great band all the way around. Never seen KOL live, but I will still contend that outside of popularity and tad cleaner vocal they are the same group from album #1. I believe the hipsters in us start biting the hand that fed us when "our" bands make it big. You know who is next (the black keys). Mark my words, they will be labeled as money grabbing sell outs anytime now. Just a thought.

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  On 7/21/2011 at 6:33 PM, nodep5 said:

Band of horses are worth it anytime/anyplace/anyprice under $30. Great great band all the way around. Never seen KOL live, but I will still contend that outside of popularity and tad cleaner vocal they are the same group from album #1. I believe the hipsters in us start biting the hand that fed us when "our" bands make it big. You know who is next (the black keys). Mark my words, they will be labeled as money grabbing sell outs anytime now. Just a thought.


Those guys strike me as this generation's G. Love and Special Sauce.

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  On 7/21/2011 at 6:33 PM, nodep5 said:

Band of horses are worth it anytime/anyplace/anyprice under $30.


Yes. Google their ACL appearance, which was pretty solid too.


Great great band all the way around. Never seen KOL live, but I will still contend that outside of popularity and tad cleaner vocal they are the same group from album #1.


That analysis works for Sex Is on Fire, but I can't think of anything previous as cheesy as "Use Somebody".



I believe the hipsters in us start biting the hand that fed us when "our" bands make it big. You know who is next (the black keys). Mark my words, they will be labeled as money grabbing sell outs anytime now. Just a thought.


I don't see TBK changing their sound much at all. If they take off, so be it. I'm not a huge fan anyway. I like them (a lot) in small doses.

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  On 7/21/2011 at 6:33 PM, nodep5 said:

Band of horses are worth it anytime/anyplace/anyprice under $30. Great great band all the way around. Never seen KOL live, but I will still contend that outside of popularity and tad cleaner vocal they are the same group from album #1. I believe the hipsters in us start biting the hand that fed us when "our" bands make it big. You know who is next (the black keys). Mark my words, they will be labeled as money grabbing sell outs anytime now. Just a thought.


Not to my ears. I hear (and see) significant differences. Generally, bands should progress, but KOL has progressed in a way that doesn't appeal to me, and it's not because they play arenas now. Anyway, I think they lost the plot on their third album, before they made it big.

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I considered buying tickets but I have seen both bands before. If band of horses was headlining I would be all over it but not really interested in seeing Kings of leon again. I vastly prefer band of horses.

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  On 7/21/2011 at 9:00 PM, jff said:

Not to my ears. I hear (and see) significant differences. Generally, bands should progress, but KOL has progressed in a way that doesn't appeal to me, and it's not because they play arenas now. Anyway, I think they lost the plot on their third album, before they made it big.


I agree. I've been a fan since Youth Young and Manhood came out while i was in Middle school, and they really started to lose it around the third album. Only by the Night was an improvement, but the fifth album was downright awful, not a single good song, which as a fan really upset me. But to be honest, i've seen them a few times, and they never had a spectacular live show, which is unfortunate.

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  On 7/22/2011 at 4:35 AM, tinnitus photography said:

band of horses had a copyright grab to photograph their show, when they opened for Pearl Jam...PJ didn't.



fuck band of horses.


They're still a good band.

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  On 7/22/2011 at 12:10 PM, tinnitus photography said:

Mussolini made the trains run on time, too.


ok, i know i'm overreacting here with this variant on Godwin's law. ;)


I suppose you have a point. Hitler did incredible things for Germany's infrastructure, embracing the autobahn and turning it into what it is today... But he was still Hitler.

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Don't get me wrong, Come Around Sundown was their weakest (I believe due to the weakest batch of songs), but Only By Night was fantastic, (ok they have never recaptured the raw energy of the first two records, but I don't view this as some sort of stylistic shift as much of maybe just losing an edge or maturing or whatever.) I'm not a super fan, but I think they generally make really good rock music in a way we don't get much from rock bands these days. Beside the Black Crowes or Black Keys how many straight up rocks bands do we have in recent decades that we can stand behind? My ignorance will be pointed out I'm sure, but to my ears I enjoy rocking out with KOL in a very thoughtless type of way!

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I thought the last KoL was pretty boring and formulaic, too up their own ass. I really dig BoTT and OBtN, 2 really good tandem albums imo. And not that I hate what came before, I just feel like that's been done better.


Use Somebody is really a damn good song. It got the piss played out of it and we all got sick of it, but it's still very catchy.


I don't buy the whole they changed their sound to make it big. After reading some interviews I got the vibe that their "uncle", manager or whatever helped them in the early days alot more than they wanna come right out and admit.



Band of Horses??? They have some ok tunes, but overall they're just really boring to me. They sound like MMJ without the cool parts... They were a solid opener for Pearl Jam though.

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  On 7/21/2011 at 3:57 PM, jff said:

I saw Kings of Leon a few times on their first two albums, which i still like. They were good. I wouldn't go see them again, though. I don't like the direction they've taken musically and aesthetically. I probably stated on this forum a few years ago that I thought they had the potential to be a really great band, but they seem to be forcing themselves into something of a U2 type of band, and it just doesn't even come close to working for me.


vocals are a bit choppy to me, but damn those first two albums were produced so well. i love ethan john's production. i can think of several bands that would do well if they hired him. he's what rick ruben is trying to be.


i saw band of horses with jayhawks in may. there were very tight. i find their music a bit samey.

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  On 7/22/2011 at 4:35 AM, tinnitus photography said:

band of horses had a copyright grab to photograph their show, when they opened for Pearl Jam...PJ didn't.



fuck band of horses.


i can see that. ben birdwell is enjoying being a rockstar. eddie vedder could care less. love that dude!

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  On 7/22/2011 at 1:38 PM, Vacant Horizon said:

i can see that. ben birdwell is enjoying being a rockstar. eddie vedder could care less. love that dude!


Yeah, even though I've heard that Ben is a friendly, down to earth dude in person, he can be very rockstar at times... I've heard of him throwing hissy fits on stage because the sound wasn't perfect etc...

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  On 7/22/2011 at 1:27 PM, DewieCox said:

Use Somebody is really a damn good song. It got the piss played out of it and we all got sick of it, but it's still very catchy.


It is godawful. And airplay has nothing to do with it. I don't listen to top 40 radio. I've thankfully only heard the song about a dozen times when I couldn't avoid it. Hated it from the very first listen.


I agree with the production on their early records. There is something dirty, rough and urgent about them that makes them so much more interesting.


They've always been a bore live though. Even back in the early days I found their live show disappointing.

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  On 7/22/2011 at 2:09 PM, lamrod said:

To me, the singer of KOL always sounds like some drunk dude that pushed the real singer off the mic and started singing with the band..

Wow, now I'm REALLY glad I got these tickets for free. :lol

Fortunately, I get to clean my ears out about 45 days later with a nice Wilco show...

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