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I won something else on the radio today

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This time it was this:


It's not the DVD, it's the companion book to the doc. Hell, it's easier than getting the kids to agree to watch the DVD, or finding the time alone to watch it without complaints.

Looking forward to digging in.

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nice. i'll have to get that. how'd you win it? dropping some arcane beatles knowledge?

WXRT in Chicago.

At 5:45 a.m. they have a little contest called "Instant Flashback", where they play a song and you have to guess the year it came out. Due to the time of day, it's usually pretty easy to get through.

And, this time, the song was a pretty easy one -- "Girlfriend" by Matthew Sweet. 1991.

But, it's usually more obscure.

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The way you phrased it a couple times it almost sounds like this isn't your first time winning things on the radio....

Not even close to my first time.

In fact, I'm here at this forum because I met Louie and Wendy at a Steve Earle concert that we all won tickets to. It was there that they told me about this forum.

So blame them.


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  • 3 months later...

Today I won the special edition CD of

The Who - Quadrophenia


It is easy to get through at 5:45 in the morning.

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My older brother is good for radio winnings at least a half dozen times a year. It's ridiculous. In college, I once won a prize for answering a trivia question about The Beatles on-air.


The question? "What did Mean Mr. Mustard keep up his nose?"


The prize? A coupon for a sandwich at a local sub shop.



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I used to win tons of stuff. My old job allowed me to sit in a lab all day mixing chemicals and listening to the radio all day long. I had all the contests memorized throughout the day. Best thing I won was probably an 8 CD capitol records box set but I have also won CD's, concert tickets, a giant cardboard Beatles cut out. It's amazing how a simple trivia question or "how are these songs connected" contest weeds people out. Sadly my current job does not allow for that. My only hope is the "much too early for a question" or "stump the sage" contests on my way to work. The stump the sage is actually pretty amazing. People call in and try to stump the DJ Brett Saunders with a trivia question. The only real rule is no Jimmy Buffet questions. The guy is just amazingly hard to stump. The guy knows his music.

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I love radio contests. I used to call in all the time when I was a kid. My dad used to get stuff from the radio nearly every week when he had a desk job. He got to be known on the station for a time, and my sister and i thought he was so famous. :lol


That's cool you win so much, PopTodd. :)

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  • 7 months later...

What's on that? (Just can't stop it) + Save it for Later + I confess + Doors of your heart?

Don't know. Don't really know anything by the band except what I've heard on the radio. I called in for the theater tix. The CD was just a bonus, but I'm looking forward to hearing it.

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Don't know. Don't really know anything by the band except what I've heard on the radio. I called in for the theater tix. The CD was just a bonus, but I'm looking forward to hearing it.


Just Can't Stop It - their debut, is a brilliant album. In my top 20 all time easily. It's aged really well. Always sounds fresh. Their other two albums are OK.

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