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You already have all the guns you want, right? 

No, I don't have all the guns that I want. 



Or is it really super important that you have the "right" to buy your grandson an AR-15 in ten or twenty or thirty years?

I'll probably buy him a rifle when he turns 10 if his father (a Californian, Democrat, union guy who likes guns) doesn't buy him one first. My kids will have to fight over the AR when I croak.

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The Palestinians and their supporters don't want peace, they want Israel removed. Until they support Israel's continued existence there will be no peace.


You can summarize an entire nation of people's wants with one sentence (as well as their supporters)?


I think some Palestinians may want support in getting Israel to go back to the legal agreements they made years ago, instead of continuously expanding their borders.  There are some Israelis who want the same.


I support Palestine and I want peace.


Now let's talk about what all of America wishes for in our relationship with Mexico- oh wait, that doesn't work.

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Enforce the laws and deport illegal immigrants.


Totally ridiculous if you think we can deport 12-15 million people.  But keep at it, the more conservatives pound that drum, the better the liberals and moderates will do in every election going forward.


I wish there would be a national "illegals" day where every current or once-illegal immigrant and their direct descendants wore a pin or something.  You live in TX, right?  You'd be amazed at how many of your neighbors, friends & acquaintances either came here illegally or are the children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews of illegals. 


Every Latino I know is either a direct descendant of an illegal or has an aunt/uncle/cousin/friend who is or once was an illegal (and I'm a native Californian so I know a lot... not to mention that my wife -- a university professor, I should dare to brag for her -- is the daughter of illegals).  So it's understandable that they take it very personally when conservatives demonize their hard working friends and relatives... and why they voted over 70% for Obama in this past election.


So please, keep it up.

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You'd be amazed at how many of your neighbors, friends & acquaintances either came here illegally or are the children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews of illegals. 

I'd reckon that close to 50% of my friends are of Mexican heritage and they're much harder on illegal immigrants that I will ever be. I can empathize with people on both sides of the issue, but all I have to do is remember the difficulty and costs that other friends had to deal with while becoming citizens the legal way and it's really no contest as far as I'm concerned.

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Damn Hixter, I like you.

I think it's great to see how passionate people can be, no matter how far to the othe side of the topic I may rest.

I think it's safe to say the gun issue is here to stay as well as the guns themselves. :D


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I'd reckon that close to 50% of my friends are of Mexican heritage and they're much harder on illegal immigrants that I will ever be. I can empathize with people on both sides of the issue, but all I have to do is remember the difficulty and costs that other friends had to deal with while becoming citizens the legal way and it's really no contest as far as I'm concerned.

Believe it or not, I'm pretty much with you on this...but not on other issues. :lol

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I'd reckon that close to 50% of my friends are of Mexican heritage and they're much harder on illegal immigrants that I will ever be. I can empathize with people on both sides of the issue, but all I have to do is remember the difficulty and costs that other friends had to deal with while becoming citizens the legal way and it's really no contest as far as I'm concerned.



I've known illegal and legal immigrants (Mexico, Chile, Bosnia, and Canada).  You're right in that even the folks that married into citizenship had to invest a ton of time and money into the process.  I also think it's bunk when a non-latino uses a chicano friend as a pass to pick on newcomers.


I've also known dudes who've hidden in the back of truck's and crossed stretches of desert for an opportunity to wash dishes.  Somehow I don't think one's effort cancels out another's.  I also don't think my knowing them means I have a full understanding of what they've been through.


Immigrants are not one of our country's biggest problems. 



I think it's safe to say the gun issue is here to stay as well as the guns themselves. :D


Both very true.

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I also think it's bunk when a non-latino uses a chicano friend as a pass to pick on newcomers.

If that's directed at me, I'll point out that I never "picked on" anyone. 




Immigrants are not one of our country's biggest problems. 

I never said they were.

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The law is the law, right?



That's pretty weak reasoning for anyone who values personal liberty.  The justice of 'the law' has had some pretty high highs, and low lows in this country.  It's better if we think critically about it. 


The popular demand for immigration reform stems from the understanding that the current laws are practically unenforceable, inequitable, and economically counter-productive.

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Meanwhile, in other political news, anybody catch Hillary's act this morning? Man, I wouldn't f*&% with her.


I did, she definitely held her own.  I guess she will be in front of the House this afternoon.


The aftermath of the Benghazi indecent was indeed poorly played out by the President's camp. I think it turned into political theater afterwards, but that's they way it goes these days. 

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I've heard the story firsthand a number of times. But if they don't pass through customs/immigration and have the appropriate ID and follow the law, they should be turned back.

Those crops won't pick themselves, and no US citizens are showing up to claim those jobs.


There was a story I read last year, about 40,000 agriculture jobs posted in California - only open to U.S. citizens. They received a ridiculously low amount of applicants, like less than 100.

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Would people eventually show up to pick if there weren't vegetables at the market one day? Do the American workers know that eventually an illegal will show up so they don't bother? Do people not want to pick fruits and vegetables because it's easier to get food stamps?

BTW, I heard someone say that 11,000 people a day are added to the food stamp roll.... I haven't had time to look that up but if true it is a staggering stat!


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Those crops won't pick themselves, and no US citizens are showing up to claim those jobs.

Only 2 or 3 percent of illegal immigrants work in the agriculture field. Most are doing construction and labor work.


I'm fine with allowing them to work here as long as they are sponsored by their employer, pay taxes and follow the rest of our laws. As it stands, they are a leading source of identity theft. Many of my Latino friends have been victims of identity theft, since it wouldn't make much sense if Jorge from Monterrey carried an ID that read "George Jones."

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BTW, I heard someone say that 11,000 people a day are added to the food stamp roll.... I haven't had time to look that up but if true it is a staggering stat!



Just under 1,000,000 were added from Oct 2011 - Sept 2012. That works out to a little less than 3,000/day. (not that that's a "good" stat - just not as dire as you were told)


Here's an older article (by an author who doesn't understand how to use "begs the question") that shows alarming growth nationwide of food stamp applicants. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/food-stamp-use-surges-most-years-alabama-foodstamp-recipients-double-may.


I would be interested in seeing those split out by state. (it's probably done so in the first link I provided, but I haven't dug into that site)


I am predicting that red states get more food stamp applicants than blue states, which would fall in line with the fact that red states receive more federal aid than blue states.

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