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It'd be nice to see companies like Smith & Wesson, Glock and the ammo manufacturers participate in the sales boycott of states that attempt to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. What's good for the goose ...


Press Release: Olympic Arms, Inc. Announces New York State Sales Policy

Olympic Arms is a staunch believer in and defender of the Constitution of the United States, and with special attention paid to the Bill of Rights that succinctly enumerates the security of our Divinely given Rights. One of those Rights is that to Keep and Bear Arms.

Legislation recently passed in the State of New York outlaws the AR15 and many other firearms, and will make it illegal for the good and free citizens of New York to own a large selection of legal and safe firearms and magazines. We feel as though the passage of this legislation exceeds the authority granted to the government of New York by its citizens, and violates the Constitution of the United States, ignoring such SCOTUS rulings as District of Columbia v. Heller - 554, U.S. 570 of 2008, McDonald v. Chicago - 561 U.S. 3025 of 2010, and specifically the case of United States v. Miller – 307 U.S. 174 of 1939.

Due the passing of this legislation, Olympic Arms would like to announce that the State of New York, any Law Enforcement Departments, Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders within the State of New York, or any New York State government entity or employee of such an entity - will no longer be served as customers. 

In short, Olympic Arms will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York - henceforth and until such legislation is repealed, and an apology made to the good people of the State of New York and the American people. 

If the leaders of the State of New York are willing to limit the right of the free and law abiding citizens of New York to arm themselves as they see fit under the Rights enumerate to all citizens of the United State through the Second Amendment, we feel as though the legislators and government entities within the State of New York should have to abide by the same restrictions. 

This action has caused a division of the people into classes: Those the government deems valuable enough to protect with modern firearms, and those whose lives have been deemed as having less value, and whom the government has decided do not deserve the right to protect themselves with the same firearms. Olympic Arms will not support such behavior or policy against any citizen of this great nation. 

Olympic Arms invites all firearms manufacturers, distributors and firearms dealers to join us in this action to refuse to do business with the State of New York. We must stand together, or we shall surely fall divided. 


Brian Schuetz
Olympic Arms, Inc.

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It'd be nice to see companies like Smith & Wesson, Glock and the ammo manufacturers participate in the sales boycott of states that attempt to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. What's good for the goose ...

Why stop there?  I wouldn't ming seeing every gun and ammo  manufacturer participate in a sales boycott in every state.

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They've never fired a gun before? What makes you think that? How can you be so sure the one girl is well trained? Because the AR-15 is so hard to aim and harder to use?


I'm not trying to convince you. I'm pointing out how ridiculous sloppy Joe's advice is for this woman. "buy a shot gun.....buy a shotgun" which if I'm not mistaken can be labeled as an assault weapon.

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The "well trained" woman was firing into the ground about 30 yards in front of her - she was all over the place. Not sure what point the video was making, because everyone in it was incompetent. 

I don't know, the interviewer seemed like a sharp guy. Haha

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Not that it was the crux of the perfect argument on firearms- BUT,


It seems almost everyone missed what I believe Biden was implying: a randomly fired shotgun will produce a horrifically loud noise and scare off intruders.  I don't think marksmanship was the intended goal.

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Why does it even matter?  The gun debate is so ridiculous, the right refuses to budge on any type of sensible gun reform and we are still left with the possibility of the horrors we witnessed in Newtown.  But you got your digs on Joe Biden, good for you!


It is a sorry tiresome debate and a sad comment on our society.   

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I do not own a firearm and have no intention of doing so...just to put my affiliation on the table here.


The proposed 'gun reform laws' would have had absolutely no effect on the Newtown or Aurora shootings if they had been in place.

These 'reforms' are grandstanding attempts to offer a proposed solution to the wrong problem.

The vast majority of these annihiliation shootings are perpetrated by mentally ill people. Mental Health Care reform would have a greater impact than banning a weapon because it looks scary.

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The proposed 'gun reform laws' would have had absolutely no effect on the Newtown or Aurora shootings if they had been in place.

These 'reforms' are grandstanding attempts to offer a proposed solution to the wrong problem.

The vast majority of these annihiliation shootings are perpetrated by mentally ill people. Mental Health Care reform would have a greater impact than banning a weapon because it looks scary.


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I do not own a firearm and have no intention of doing so...just to put my affiliation on the table here.


The proposed 'gun reform laws' would have had absolutely no effect on the Newtown or Aurora shootings if they had been in place.

These 'reforms' are grandstanding attempts to offer a proposed solution to the wrong problem.

The vast majority of these annihiliation shootings are perpetrated by mentally ill people. Mental Health Care reform would have a greater impact than banning a weapon because it looks scary.


You know mental health is always thrown out as a solution to the gun violence problem, but I have not seen or heard of one piece of legislation or policy that truly addresses this.  However I do see that Sen Graham has proposed such a measure.  But he says this, “I believe that the best way to interrupt the shooter is to have a mental health system that actually records and enters into the database people who should not be able to buy a gun.”  But since as we have discussed pro gun does not want background checks, so any such database of the mentally ill is toothless.   A mentally ill person still could get a gun through private sales etc.  


As for a wholesale reexamination of the mental health care system, do you honestly believe any politician, especially those on the right would ever in a million years purpose something like that?  Seriously?  You may throw it out like it the answer but it does nothing.  And really this focus on the mentally ill is misguided.  


Furthermore, I encourage you to watch this piece from Rachel Maddow.  I know what some of you think that he is a leftist communist whatever and probably won't watch just because of that, which is really unfortunate. But she makes the case for more gun control using the details of Newtown shooting (forward to 1:15 in video to get to good parts).  It is an augment driven by passion and using facts.  And by using details and facts she makes a convincing argument that it could have been prevented or at least limited the number of deaths.   

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