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Linda Rondstadt has Parkinson's, can no longer sing

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It sucks getting old

It does, but everyone does get old unless they are unlucky enough to not get old.  I have a close friend who has Parkinson's and it is a very devastating condition.  Strangely I was just discussing Linda with someone recently and we were trying to figure out why she had dropped out of the scene. WE figured maybe she had just done it all and made enough money that she didn't need to make records anymore.  Very sad.  I have all her early albums and most of the mid-career ones too. She has virtually no hip cred anymore, but back in the day we all dug her. 



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She sings on a couple tracks of Neil Young's "Freedom" album. Sounds real good too.

Just listened to that one over the weekend, again --- came out in 1989. She must have done some stuff since, correct?

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Just listened to that one over the weekend, again --- came out in 1989. She must have done some stuff since, correct?

Linda made a ton of albums.  Cutting and pasting from Wikipedia because I am lazy:

I gave up getting her albums in 1986 with the trio of standards albums, which were readily available at any resale shop in the land.  The Tucson Sessions with Emmylou has some nice moments though.  Like all the female singers of her generation, she has done lots of back-up work for people.  It should be noted that her original back-up band morphed into the dreaded Eagles.  I first heard many great songs that she covered first.  It is sad.  She is not even 70 years old.



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It should be noted that her original back-up band morphed into the dreaded Eagles.  

Why are the Eagles dreaded?  I'm sincerely curious.  Despite all the indie bands that I've loved over the last 25 years, I could never figure out why I'm supposed to hate the Eagles.  They have many songs that I love to this day, particularly those sung by Don Henley.  He has a fabulous voice, and I've always loved his drumming, particularly on the One of These Nights album. 


I can't say I've loved everything the Eagles have done, but I honestly don't see why they are so often put down.


Go on, tell me.  I can take it.  *laughs*

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I remember being enchanted by a tv special i saw once at the time - going back to her Latino roots. its memory always stayed with me and as I became an Emmylou fan I crossed paths with Linda a bit (always had loved Different Drum though). Always meant to get the album but never did. Now could be the time ...



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Why are the Eagles dreaded?  I'm sincerely curious.  Despite all the indie bands that I've loved over the last 25 years, I could never figure out why I'm supposed to hate the Eagles.  They have many songs that I love to this day, particularly those sung by Don Henley.  He has a fabulous voice, and I've always loved his drumming, particularly on the One of These Nights album. 


I can't say I've loved everything the Eagles have done, but I honestly don't see why they are so often put down.


Go on, tell me.  I can take it.  *laughs*

Every time they come up, the haters seem to come out of the woodwork. I am a supporter if not a huge fan.  I will leave it to someone else rip on them. I own all their albums, but of course they all showed up used in junk shops over the years including a live album that ain't so great. 


I think a lot of the backlash has to do with their success and their high ticket prices over the years.



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She also sings on at least two other Neil Young albums - Harvest and American Stars 'N Bars.


and Harvest Moon, too. i listened to that last night as I finished _Waging Heavy Peace_. it's a pretty great record...hadn't listened to it in a while.



Loren (MazzaCane) Connors is an artist i greatly admire who has Parkinson's and adapted his playing style around it. here's a pretty cool interview w/ Jandek about him:


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