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I generally don't talk politics at family gatherings. This year I decided to listen and participate a little.  Among things I learned were: There have been no attempts to repeal Obamacare, George Bush was a liberal, The concentration of wealth in an upward direction that is occurring these days is a liberal issue due to liberal policies, income redistribution is a liberal issue (more true than any statement heard), congress has no right to regulate commerce (that pesky commerce clause does not exist apparently), not expanding the debt ceiling is no big issue, just cut spending (it's that simple), Solar power is less energy efficient and worse for the environment than coal, Donald Trump makes sense and other such gems.  In a nutshell, everything that is bad or perceived as bad with this country  is the result of liberals and democrats, the good stuff is due to unregulated free market capitalism and conservatism and compromise is a bad thing. So that is pretty much the last time I talk politics with family.

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I know that, I believe I. Pinning the policy to whomever makes it. Both sides have created a climate for the upward flow of wealth. What I learned over thanksgiving is that liberals/democrats/progressives are 100% behind it..,in the minds of family members.

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So a domestic terrorist shoots up a Planned Parenthood in CO springs, kills a cop and the GOP candidates say NOTHING. Interesting.

If and when they do address it, it will be VERY carefully worded and focus on the gunman's "mental issues". They won't mention guns or his religion. If the guy hadn't killed a cop, they probably wouldn't feel compelled to comment at all.

Let's just call him what he is: a Christian Terrorist. He heard the dog-whistle and responded. If he was a Muslim, the GOP would be freaking out as they did after the Paris attacks, demanding that every Muslim in the world ask forgiveness. Since he's a white Christian American, though, he'll simply be labeled mentally ill. Sickening.

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Yes they most certainly are. They're willing to kill and be killed for their religious beliefs. I think that qualifies as mentally ill regardless of their organizational abilities or size.


Republicans have been losing their collective shit over Obama avoiding the term "Islamic Terrorists" yet they'll admit no connection whatsoever between this guy's religion or politics and his actions. It's not surprising at all, but still transparent and disgusting.


A few of them are starting to issue statements now, and STILL fueling the fire with lies about Planned Parenthood.

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Yes they most certainly are. They're willing to kill and be killed for their religious beliefs. I think that qualifies as mentally ill regardless of their organizational abilities or size.

I don't think that a medical professional would agree.
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I don't think that a medical professional would agree.

A non-religious medical professional might.


So a suicidal & homicidal person is only mentally ill if they're not killing in the name of Allah? If my dog tells me to kill I'm crazy, but if God's whispering in my ear I'm just a perfectly rational terrorist?

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There's a LOT of overlap.

Surely you concede there's a double standard in the way these lunatics are labeled, though?

I won't equate religious fervor or ideological commitment with mental illness without evidence of actual mental illness. A "normal" person who runs off to join ISIS or al Qaeda or Bolo Haram is not mentally ill. He/she is a religious zealot/extremist. An individual who goes on some sort of a murder spree may also be a zealot or extremist, but if it turns out that he/she has a history of mental illness, then I'll be satisfied with a description of "a zealot with a history of mental illness."
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Islamic killer: Not crazy at all. Represents billions of Muslims worldwide.


Christian killer: Mentally ill. Not representative of any other Christians.


Got it.

I never said that. I said that a clinical diagnosis of mental illness is what determines that someone is mentally ill. You made the rest of that up.
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