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Aphorisms for the Wilco Fan

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Hi all, are you suffering the brain-numbing effects of listening to our attorney general's testimony today? I know I am. In the interest of reclaiming our grey matter from the governmental dementors among us, I propose a game!


A game which will call upon your higher thinking processes, as well as your wit and humor! An irreststable exercise in thinking beyond rectangular cardboard containers!

This game is inspired by a phrase some of us here coined years ago, to encourage those who were having trouble getting to some Wilco show somewhere. We would tell them, "You can do it! Where there's a Wilco, there's a way!"  :stunned


(That would make a great t-shirt.)




I am providing a list of 10 common aphorisms. Each has a break to indicate where it is split in half. Using either half, you are to create a brand new aphorism, using half of an aphorism, combined with a Wilco song title or lyric to make a whole new, Wilco-esque aphorism. The sort of thing we can say to our children when they are in need of guidance through life! Here, let me demonstrate:


Using the front half of "You can't make an omelet-----without breaking eggs" and a bit of ashtray's favorite song, we get:


"You can't make an omelet without a bull black Nova"


Alternatively, you could use the back half of the aphorism, "...without breaking eggs". That might produce a gem like:


"I'm going to walk away slowly, without breaking eggs"


Ok, enough out of me. We need a summertime game! Have at these carefully selected aphorisms. No changing or words or tenses, no adding words.


The aphorisms you are invited to mangle:


1. If you can't stand the heat,------get out of the kitchen


2. You can lead a horse to water------but you can't make it drink


3. When the cat's away,------the mice will play


4. You can't make an omelet------without breaking eggs


5. If you lie down with dogs,------you wake up with fleas


6. It's not over until------the fat lady sings


7. In the country of the blind,------the one-eyed man is king


8. People who live in glass houses------shouldn't throw stones


9. If wishes were horses,------beggars would ride


10. When your only tool is a hammer------every problem looks like a nail




 Ok, please entertain us with your cleverness! I can't wait to see what your fevered brains devise! :thumbup  :bounce8  :headbonk



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If you can't stand the heat, you can't stand it.


When the cat's away, it's far, far away.


You can't make an omelette when you wake up feeling old.


It's not over until the roses bloom again.


People in glass houses, shouldn't twirl their baton.


In the land of the blind, the cross-eyed stranger is king.

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