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Solid Sound Festival 2024 lineup

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I think Bbop deserves his own hand-picked setlist show, with the man himself being in attendance reclining on a red velvet chaise longue at the side of the stage being fed grapes by a specially flown

That looks more like a slight graze with a bit of itching. I would guess attendees would want an amputation.  

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35 minutes ago, calvino said:

I'll guess "California Stars" --    (Brian F.)


Excellent guess, but I'm happy to say that "California Stars" is second-- happy because it would depress me if that song, which I dread hearing, were first. I do think "California Stars" is destined to become number one, though. If you count Jeff solo performances, it has to be the runaway leader.

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We have a winner!


The run of shows in the fall of 2021 coming out of the pandemic where they opened with this every night gave it a booster, so to speak, that allowed it to remain ahead of "California Stars" for the time being.


The top ten are:


A Shot in the Arm

California Stars

Impossible Germany

Jesus, etc.

I'm the Man Who Loves You


Outtasite (Outta Mind)

I Am Trying to Break Your Heart


I Got You (At the End of the Century)


And just for fun, here are the 56 songs that I've only seen them play once. At least four of these songs have not been played since 1995, and fifteen (I think) were played at Solid Sound this year, including the two songs from the EP:




Another Man's Done Gone

A Beard of Stars

Be Not So Fearful

Blood of the Lamb

Blue Eyed Soul



Common Sense

Country Disappeared

Country Song Upside-Down

Dark Neon

Darkness Is Cheap

Don't You Honey Me

The Empty Condor

Give Back the Key to My Heart


Hesitation Rocks

If That's Alright

I'll Fight

Just a Kid

Just Say Goodbye

Let's Not Get Carried Away


Many Worlds

Message from Mid-Bar

More Like the Moon


No Sense in Lovin'

Once a Day

Open Mind


The Plains

Please Be Wrong

Quiet Amplifier

Rising Red Lung

Sad Kind of Way

Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down

Say You Love Me

Screen Door

She's a Rock

Should've Been in Love

Someday Soon


Taste the Ceiling

Tell Your Friends

Tonight's the Day

U.S. Blues

Venus Stopped the Train

Wait Up

When the Roses Bloom Again

Where Do I Begin

Wild Mountain Thyme

You and I

You Satellite



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Am missing 2 setlists of my 29 shows, and my winner is ..... Jesus etc, with I'm the Man Who Loves You in 2nd and Impssible Germany in 3rd.


Total of 167 unique songs, 65 of them only played once.


An Empty Corner 
At My Window Sad and Lonely 
Blue Eyed Soul 
Bob Dylan's 49th Beard 
Can't Stand It
Cars Can't Escape
Casino Queen
Cold Slope
Darkness Is Cheap
Deeper Down 
Feed of Man 
Hearts Hard to Find
I Am the Walrus 
I Must Be High
I Shall Be Released 
Infinite Surprise
Just a Kid 
Just Say Goodbye 
Kicking Television
Less Than You Think 
Many Worlds
Meant to Be
Message From Mid-Bar 
More Like the Moon 
My Darling
Mystery Binds
Once a Day 
Outta Mind (Outta Sight)
Please Be Wrong
Quiet Amplifier 
Rising Red Lung
Sad Kind of Way
Say You Love Me 
Say You Miss Me
She's My Rock 
Sonny Feeling 
Standing O
Taste the Ceiling
Tell Your Friends 
The Empty Condor
The Lonely 1
The Plains
The Thanks I Get
The Universe
Tomorrow Never Knows 
Tonight's the Day
Venus Stopped the Train 
We're Just Friends
We've Been Had 
When the Roses Bloom Again
Where Do I Begin
Wild Mountain Thyme 
You Never Know
You Satellite
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1 hour ago, tinnitus photography said:

it would be nice if you could export your setlist.fm history as a CSV file (but maybe you can?)


Setlist.fm is unreliable, especially for the early years of Wilco so, even if you could do that, I would have to do a show-by-show audit. In the course of making my spreadsheet, I found a few errors and omissions on that site (and on Wilcobase, which may be where Setlist is getting its info from for the early years). I was able to fix the errors on Setlist, but can't fix them on Wilcobase. There are a lot of sets on Setlist that show "Outta Mind (Outta Sight)" where it should be "Outtasite (Outta Mind)." There was a show in November 1997 listed as Jeff solo at the Middle East Downstairs in Cambridge when it was actually Jeff and Jay Bennett at the Middle East Upstairs. There was a Spring Weekend show at Brown University (with Wilco preceded by Mos Def & Talib Kweli's Black Star-- now there was a juxtaposition) that was listed as being played at an indoor arena when it was outside on the lawn. Those are just the things I remember off the top of my head, and I didn't even look at shows I didn't attend, which probably have their own issues.


I mentioned this on the "Stuff in My House" thread, but I have actual set lists from most of the early shows as well as contemporaneous notes from the shows, and an email I wrote to an indulgent girlfriend in 2000 listing and detailing all of the Wilco or Tweedy shows I had seen to that point. So, for example, at the October 1995 show in Providence, the printed set list that I got the night of the show listed "We've Been Had," but the set lists on Setlist and Wilcobase did not show that song as having been played. I don't have any specific recollection, 29 years later, of that song being played, but then I noticed that I had tried to keep a set list on the back of my ticket stub. In the spot in the set where "We've Been Had" was supposed to have been played, I had written, in real time, "Cover Blown." I had only limited familiarity with the Uncle Tupelo songs in 1995, so I did not know that song's title, but knew it contained the repeated phrase "just waiting for his cover to be blown," and so that's what I wrote. It's kind of cool that, against all odds, I have "proof" that they played the song that night.


The only other band I have made a spreadsheet for is Pearl Jam, and I've been maintaining that one since before the days of online set lists. There is actually an app (called PJ Tracker?) that people in the Pearl Jam fan club talk about that automatically tracks this information for people, but it pulls its data from the set lists on the Pearl Jam website, and those also have mistakes. There's one error in particular from a show in 1994 where an improv that happened to have the refrain "Hold On" is listed as the completely different song titled "Hold On"-- which wasn't played live until over a decade later, and they refuse to fix it for some reason. I was at the show, and I have a recording of it. It's definitely not that song. Similarly, there are blocks of songs incorrectly listed for shows from the 2000 tour.


Anyway, I guess it all depends on how concerned a person is about accuracy or whether they are happy to have a general sense of what songs they've seen and roughly how many times they've seen them. Needless to say, I'm a wee bit obsessive.



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yeah i am not compulsive enough to care about every last detail, but as I see photos of set lists in my photo archive i check setlist.fm and update/revise/create as needed. 

I also went through the archived issues of the Boston Phoenix for a while and searched club listings and added shows i remembered going to in the 90s (and some others too). 

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