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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. I like "Let's Fight". I actually like it better than the version I've heard "I'll Fight"...though I've only listened to it a couple times.
  2. I think Rocky was/is great for many reasons. I loved how it was filmed. I loved how Stallone played his character....very unassuming and low key....granted, that wasn't a stretch for Stallone, but it works. Talia Shire was perfectly cast....awkward and unsure, but beautiful. The fight was a little over-done, but actually quite realistic when compared to the ludicrous fights in the following Rocky's. But the one thing that hasn't been mentioned is the MUSIC. The music when they're ice-skating, the music when roaming the ring before the fight, the music during the fight when Rocky is motioning
  3. I have nothing, but thought the Newsweek cover-boy could be an entertaining thread.
  4. You guys are killing me. I, and everyone else on this board, knows how much Leno's humor is despised here, but c'mon. Pretty cool of Jay to do this. If I was unemployed and lived in Detroit, I'd be there.
  5. Jay Leno just recently announced he'd do a free comedy show in Detroit on April 7th at The Palace of Auburn Hills. No admission, parking or refreshments fees (Pepsi) will be charged to attendees, who Leno says should be unemployed workers. Leno says he'll use the honor system. Of course, this all sounds very good-hearted and nice of Leno. But Auburn Hills is a suburb of Detroit, and some are complaining that many will not be able to make the trip to Auburn Hills because it's too far away and they can't afford or won't be able to get there. Don't ya think some busses will be offered up by
  6. No doubt he was at his best in the earlier years. But I'm amazed how great and jaw-dropping he could be late in his career when he was drugged up, fat and didn't looks so great. I-tunes has a version of "Unchained Melody" from 1977 that is unreal. I'm not sure anybody has had or will ever have the stage prescence of Elvis.
  7. How many teams do you think the Big 10 should get in the NCAA? Joe Lunardi now has 8. (???) I think that's B.S. I think there should be a rule that no more than half of a conference's teams can get in. MAYBE one more than half. But 8 out of 11?! Minnesota and Michigan are both 9-9 in the leauge (and Michigan has 12 losses overall). I'd rather see a team like Creighton or St. Mary's get a shot. Or even Kansas State, who will be the #4 seed in the Big 12 Tournament but as of right now has no chance to get in, barring victories against Texas and Kansas in the Big 12 Tournament.
  8. The Flaming Lips are getting some love, which reminds me of their Late Night Tales compilation. Wayne Coyne selected songs that he likes, and that he thought were fitting songs for late night. I love the vibe of it.... I pretty much recommend the whole song list: 1. Bjork – Unravel 2. Miles Davis – My Ship 3. Chris Bell – Speed Of Sound 4. Faust – It's A Bit of A Pain 5. Roxy Music – 2HB 6. Alfie – People 7. Aphex Twin – Film 8. Mice Parade – Galileo 9. The Chameleons – Up The Down Escalator 10. The Flaming Lips – Seven Nation Army (Harry Potter’s and George W. Bush’s Severed Head Arm Mix) 1
  9. New muzic from Princ3 b cool. But hiz spellin annoyz the fu*k out o' me. Duz it botha inny-body elz?
  10. Just to be straight, I don't mind the political tone on Wilco songs. As I've said, the version I've heard of "My Country Disappeared" is great. Tweedy's a great songwriter, and he seems to have written it in a way that someone might relate to 50 years from now. It was just his "8 years" quote that I thought was lame. Like, "now that Bush is gone, everything will be OK". We all know that's total B.S. Obama and all the Democrats, like the Republicans, are politicians. History says they'll figure out something to screw up.
  11. I'll look forward to the 2016 Wilco tune, "My 401K Is In The Shitter, But My Country Is A Paradise".
  12. Okay. Got the Rolling Stone, and the quote I was referring to was Tweedy talking about how he wrote "My Counry Disappeared" before the election when he was "trying to embrace hope, but feeling beaten down after 8 years of feeling awful." I just don't understand that feeling. He's got a lovely wife, 2 healthy kids, a great job, enough money to be very comfortable, he reaches out often to help others with benefits and such. Did Tweedy REALLY feel awful all of those 8 years?! C'mon. That's just crap.
  13. It's my favorite of all the new tunes I've heard. It's really great. I think it's cool that it has a political tone to it. But it's done so in vague way. Tweedy doesn't mention any specific names or details. Like most great songs, it seems like it might have a timeless-ness to it. The song might make sense in 2020 or 2030. Obama haters might relate to it if they think their rights and freedoms are disappearing. I'm just hoping that I don't have to hear artists forever refer to the Bush years as "those 8 sucky years" or "those 8 years of Hell to live through." It just sounds lame. Poli
  14. Um, I guess you're right. But there's something funny and entertaining about it. I used to love it when Harvey Korman and Tim Conway couldn't keep a straight face in the old Carol Burnett shows. Fallon's a young guy for talk-show hosts. I think he'll grow into a decent host.
  15. I saw the new Rolling Stone article. I wish I could remember the exact quotes, but there were some interesting things said by Tweedy. The GOOD: His explanation of "Wilco, the Song", which I LOVED on the Colbert show, makes me like it even more. He explains how music is something that is always there....music will always be there to love you. Sounds kinda corny, but it's true. There's always a song or record to help me deal with a problem or get out of a funk. The SLIGHTLY NAUSEATING: Talking about "My Country Has Disappeared", he explains how he wrote the song pre-election and he wants it
  16. Pixar's next movie, Up, has a brand new trailer: http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/up.html?showVideo=1
  17. I have not seen it yet, but would like to. I've always liked Fallon just OK. My best memories of him on SNL is watching him hold back his laugh during a sketch....watching him during Ferrel's "Cowbell" sketch is awesome. But I'm skeptical of him having his own show. But if he has good writers, his show should be fine. Probably good that NBC is starting him now. By the time Conan comes on in June, Fallon should be finding his stride.
  18. The black outfits, same stupid dark knit caps....look how fresh these guys could look:
  19. Saw U2 again last night on Lettermen. Oh, and there they are again on Good Morning America. Look, there's Bono in his black jeans, shirt and jacket.....AGAIN. And there's the Edge with his fuckin knit cap....AGAIN. Look, Bono's strutting and posin' around the stage....AGAIN. Maybe these guys need to change their style just a tiny bit? It's bad enought that their new music is flat and/or repetitve, but why must they look exactly the same every damn time I see them? (I think I need a break from the U2)
  20. Me too....or at least partly. Or better, an album with a nice mix of studio wizardry songs and songs with Jeff's pretty tunes and songs with Glenn and Nels' rockers. My Morning Jacket's record "Evil Urges" has a really cool balance, I think. A pretty, acoustic "Librarian" and a rockin' "Aluminum Park" and the awesomely rockin'/funky combo of "Smokin From Shootin'/Touch Me I'm Going To Scream, Pt. 2". To me, Being There and Summerteeth are similar in their diversity of great sounds and songs. Sky Blue Sky was nice and beautiful in parts. I'm glad they made it and I get to listen to it
  21. I think this could all be nicely resolved if Wayne gave Win his fiber-optic Jesus that Jack White gave him.
  22. I only own 2 of his discs (Knock Knock and A River Ain't Too Much To Love), but like them both A LOT. I really need to get more Smog. "River Guard" and "Drinking At the Damn" are 2 of my favorite songs.
  23. I've never seen the Arcade Fire live, so cannot speak to them. But I've seen the Lips live, and have read many interviews and heard interviews with Wayne. I don't doubt at all that what Wayne said about Arcade Fire is based on what he saw or encountered or how he was recieved by them. I can't imagine that Wayne is WAY off base. I find Wayne very refreshing and true and real. So I'm not bothered by what he said. If Win has a problem with it, I'm sure Wayne or the media will hear about it. I'm more offended by Owen Pallet's (who is he?) response? "drug culture, confetti, pot paraphernali
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