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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Any buzz on any great commercials? We'll probably get our usual guys-are-dumb beer ads....which lately have been lame-o. Coca-cola's supposed to have a few new ones, which I usually like. Dreamworks is gonna have a 90-second ad for "Monsters and Aliens"....in 3-D. (You can pick up free 3-D glasses at some grocery stores and gas stations.) And Pixar will have an ad for "Up".
  2. Funny. But Hitler's not our President. Or, at least, I hope not.
  3. Uh, Dude....it's OBAMA, man. O-B-A-M-A! Don't you get it? He can do whatever the hell he wants. And we're gonna let 'em, 'cause he KNOWS what's best for America.
  4. Let's not go down another political road. I just like how he befreinded and took in his girlfriend/wife's brain-damaged son. Or how he lets one of his kids pick out a family in a restaurant to buy them dinner. He just sounds like a truly nice and genuine guy. Or the fact that only Bart Starr has a higher quarterback rating in playoff/Super Bowl games EVER. Warner's a CLUTCH quarterback.
  5. How so? Everything I hear is what a great, caring guy he is. I think 5's enough.
  6. I'm not a fan of either team, but will be pulling for Arizona. It's hard NOT to root for Warner. (And Pittsburgh's won enough freakin' Championships.)
  7. To kick this off.....I found the following on the NFL's Superbowl site. It looks like Springsteen will play one of the playlists below. I was hoping he was doing ALL classics, but he almost assuredly will play at least one new song. My favorite playlist is A, as it only has one new song. But I'd love to see Darkness On The Edge of Town or Thunder Road. Which playlist will Springsteen perform? NFL.com Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will perform live on NBC in the Bridgestone Super Bowl XLIII Halftime Show at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa on Sunday, Feb. 1. That we know. What w
  8. Anyone seen this ad by Catholicvote.com: I think it's a very powerful ad that would be fantastic for thousands to see. Unfortunatley, NBC won't allow it for the Super Bowl: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=...mp;pageId=87440
  9. Wow! Is this the first real Obama criticism from a mainstream media source? I must say I'm shocked.....AND impressed. You go Campbell Brown! http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/28/cam...html#cnnSTCText
  10. Awesome. Thanks! Listening to M83 right now. Really cool....has an anthemic 80's sound to some of it.
  11. Wow. He's funny, too. This Obama guy can do it ALL! (Sorry for the sarcasm. Obama deserves a nice, long honeymoon. And our country surely deserves a break from shredding our President a new a-hole every day. But this walk-on-water mentality by many is really starting to make me wretch. Someday his farts will smell...just the same as all us normal humans.)
  12. I think Tom Hanks is pretty great. But I agree that he hasn't stretched himself a great amount.....maybe Philadelphia excluded. I thought he was really good in League of Their Own and Apollo 13. And it's just voice work, but he gives tremendous nuance to Woody in the Toy Story films. Anyone remember Tom Hanks in a Taxi episode? Hanks is pretty funny in the bit.....an all-time classic scene from an all-time classic TV show:
  13. I think that's the crux of my problem. I'm not meaning to belittle the 5 films, but rather pointing out that for me, I could care less about seeing them....Slumdog Millionaire excluded (I'm intrigued to check it out). The Oscar nominees have hardly ever appealed to my tastes, which is why when Goodfellas or Lord of the Rings or American Beauty or Old Country For Old Men get nominated, it gets me a little more jazzed about the Academy Awards. I was hoping one of "my" movies got a nod. I didn't expect it, but it's happened before. In 1998, these movies got nominated: • Shakespeare In L
  14. You obviously DON'T read my posts, because I never said The Reader sucks.
  15. I said earlier, "All I'm pointing out is how the 5 they nominated couldn't be more 'so what'." I think we're agreeing. Yes, I'm quite aware of Beauty and the Beast. But that was before the Best Animated Movie category was put in place. I'll be VERY surprised if an animated film ever gets a Best Movie nomination. The Bunk, have you seen any of the 5 movies? Has anyone on this board seen these movies? The reason I haven't seen most of them is because either the subject matter or opinions I've read or heard don't make me WANT to see them. I've never said they're not deserving to b
  16. Nice little shot at Larry the Cable Guy fans. Of course, anyone who likes him is a meat-headed dolt. You are correct. The Academy Awards should nominate movies that they think are the best of year, not the most popular. NO SHIT!!! All I'm pointing out is how the 5 they nominated couldn't be more "so what". I liked the years they nominated Fargo or Life Is Beautiful or Little Miss Sunshine or Unforgiven or E.T. or The Departed......something with a little juice or wider appeal to it. Gran Torino would have been perfect. Or The Wrestler...or Burn After Reading... I DO agree that it'd be
  17. Fair enough....regarding Best Movie. Feel free to chip in if you have any opinion on the 179 or so other categories. I'll add that Wall-E is head and shoulders above Bolt and Kung Fu Panda. Kung Fu Panda: Funny, light and entertaining. A great movie for kids. But no real depth. Bolt: Good entertainment and decent message and story. But seemed a little "been there, done that'.
  18. Maybe not. But it surpasses your contribution. I think I at least made a contribution regarding Best Song. That category list IS a joke. And yes, Mr. Grumpy, I have listened the to all the songs.
  19. If you read on further, I said that, based what I've read and heard (though I can't see as many movies as I'd like to, I DO read many reviews and always like to hear what friends/family think of movies), the list seems pretty good BUT.....a couple of the nominations (Benjamin Button and Reader) seem debatable. My basic point is to how bland of a list it must appear to be to the average movie-goer. Selfishly, I would have LOVED to see something a little quirky or off-the-wall or more mainstream get a nomination (Gran Torino, Wall-E, Iron Man, Synecdoche NY, Burn After Reading...) On the sur
  20. BEST PICTURE: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Frost/Nixon Milk The Reader Slumdog Millionaire I haven't seen ANY of these, but.... Milk is probably a good pick, even if most movie-goers don't see it. Not something I'm interested in seeing, but everything I've heard about it is stellar. Frost/Nixon sounds interesting, and seems Oscar-worthy. Maybe a little dry in subject matter. Slumdog Millionaire...I'm glad this got nominated. Sounds like a crowd-pleaser for the most part. The Reader. I got nothing. Sounds like Winslett did a good job. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. People
  21. More change: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj-TV-O5A_0...&playnext=1
  22. Burn After Reading was great. I'd rank it as the 3rd best movie I saw this year (but I haven't seen a whole lot). It's typical Coen Brothers....unpredicatable, intense, goofy, funny. Brad Pitt is GREAT. The FBI head (forget his name....the guy who play J. Jonah Jameson in Spiderman) is hilarious. I liked how Clooney's character had a fascination for floors.
  23. Well said. I can understand WHY Bono may rub some people the wrong way, but Bono IS real. That's just the way he is. I bought the Red Rocks DVD, filmed in 1983, and he was the same way then. He just oozed bravado and a confident cockiness and had that theatrical-ness about him. And he speaks even then of the big picture....as if he already knew that U2 were gonna be huge and important. I have a lot of respect for Bono and how he's tried to make a positive difference in the world, even when he at times comes across like a big shot.
  24. I've always liked Mellencamp's songs for the most part. Analogman references a couple Big Daddy songs. It's one of his lesser-known albums, but very solid. "Martha Say", "Theo and Wierd Henry", "Jackie Brown", "Mansions in Heaven".....good stuff.
  25. An article about Springsteen on National Review: Tenth Avenue Sell-Out? A Wal-Mart CD angers the far Left. By Doug Heye The media buildup for the new Bruce Springsteen album, Working on a Dream, picks up where his previous album left off: anger with the Bush administration. Springsteen has called
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