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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Failing that, he'll just keep putting lead in all of our toys.
  2. I just let my print subscription lapse, so, cool.
  3. Don't bother. Those guys haven't earned good music yet.
  4. Wow. And here I thought I was just being fiscally responsible. Turns out I'm some kind of asshole.
  5. Yeah, those gas prices aren't affecting anyone...
  6. That was a budget surplus, which doesn't have much to do with the national debt. But I don't really know about this stuff, so I could be wrong.
  7. Well, crap. That sucks. Note to Amy Winehouse: This could be you. Get your shit together.
  8. Yeah, he was a bit of a splash on a few shows here. Not exactly an intellectual, is he?
  9. Yeah, sorry, we don't mean to beat you over the head with it. We're on your side. You'll be OK -- especially because, as has been mentioned, we haven't hit bottom yet. Just pay attention to what's going on, and if you decide that the bottom's been reached, think about buying back into your diversified funds. Obviously you'd be better off buying back in before those funds rise back to the prices at which you sold them. It is a risky game, of course. You're just trying to be prudent, and I can certainly understand that. If the economy continues to tank, the markets could keep plunging and t
  10. You're not losing the money you contribute each pay period -- you're buying more shares with it. Don't think of it in terms of your total dollars -- think of it in terms of your number of shares. When the price goes down, your contributions enable you to "buy low," which is what every investor wants to do. Sure, it looks like you're losing money, but when the market cycles back around to higher prices, the additional shares you bought when the price was low will provide that much more yield. The key is not to panic in down times -- you're overthinking things. Like ZenLunatic said, it's only
  11. From my admittedly limited understanding of this stuff ... you sold your stock funds after the prices dropped, and now you're talking about buying them back when they rise again. That's where you're going to lose the most money -- not from the temporary downturn in the market. You should stay in your stock funds during downturns, because if you're contributing to your 401(k) at a constant rate, you're buying more shares for your regular contribution than you were when the price was higher. That's the silver lining of the downturn -- you're buying more shares. When the prices rise again, you
  12. How does one do that, exactly? It would seem to involve considerable forethought, preparation, and effort, what with the movement of the tracks and everything. Better just to jump off the bridge, really.
  13. I didn't see In the Valley of Elah, but Tommy Lee Jones should also have been nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his role in No Country For Old Men, imo.
  14. The stock market plunged over 400 points in the first two minutes of trading this morning. Anyone scared yet? The Dow has recovered slightly (now down only 262 points), but still.
  15. Wow. Nothing there that's must-see for me. I suppose I should see Waters sometime, but I'm not going to do it in a festival setting. Aside from Waters, none of the headliners interest me in the slightest ... except, just from the standpoint of curiosity: Portishead. Really?
  16. Not good ones. ...but you can get a damn good one for $300 now, which you couldn't last time around.
  17. Finally went and saw this today. Holy crap, that was great. Hodie, you beat me to it ... I was going to comment on the role of chance in the film, specifically with the coin tosses, Chigurh's wreck, and the event that kicked off the whole thing -- Moss stumbling upon the carnage in the desert. As for the dream idea, I'm still thinking about that. I haven't seen Atonement, but I can't believe it won the Golden Globe over this film.
  18. That image wasn't just NSFW. It was Not Safe For Life.
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