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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. 21! you can officially drink! woo hoo!!!!
  2. YAY! 30 is the new 20. 10 is the new fetus! :party :party
  3. RIP. thanks for the swim in "lake me."
  4. blessings and peace for you and your family Kate, especially Emily. how very sweet of your dog to watch over her. animals know!
  5. have a great day! :party :party
  6. I wanted a resolution. I wanted David Chase to use his brain and come up with a dramatic ending that would leave my jaw on the floor. my husband hated the ending too. if there is a movie, he will refuse to see it.
  7. John Spencer Blues Explosion is just freaking awesome!
  8. puh! I'm always angry. when am I not angry??
  9. for me, and my husband, it was frustrating and anger producing. I was still angry the next day. it was just a way to end the series so they could make a movie, IMO.
  10. it was. have you been to Battery Park lately? there really aren't any gumbas hanging out down there. mostly tourists and people working in the Financial District, which is a whole other racket.
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