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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. hey, the drummer for Rush died! (not Neil Pert)
  2. have a FANTESTICLE birthday!!!!!! :party :party :party
  3. there is only one correct answer. ONE!
  4. there is one answer: AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS end of story.
  5. I HATED the end of Sopranos. fuck genius. I wanted closure with that, after 7 years or however long.
  6. how did you feel about the end of the Sopranos?
  7. you don't suck either. how do you know I don't suck?
  8. maybe for a minute, but I didn't think it sucked at all.
  9. the ending does not suck. thank you.
  10. me too. we have There Will Be Blood, just trying to get the old man to sit down and watch it. I know.
  11. Put your hair back, we get to leave Eleven gallows on your sleeve Shallow figure, winners paid Eleven shadows way out of place Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room Pull your dress on and stay real close Who might leave you where I left off? A perfect circle of acquaintances and friends Drink another, coin a phrase Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room Try to win and suit your needs Speak out sometime
  12. a horse is dead and all you can talk about is some lady's tits
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