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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I would prefer a microchip implanted into the 7th cervical vertebra. or thoracic 1. either one is fine.
  2. I'm close to John Edwards and far, far away from Fred Thompson.
  3. what does he have to do with Queens of the Stone Age?
  4. damn, that thing takes half a page!
  5. what is it with this picture? isn't it from back when AGIB was released? that is so 2004.
  6. Nels has no reflection.
  7. I was turned on to them by a live show I saw in 2000 on the Soft Bulletin tour. it was amazing!
  8. did you get your musicians and rehearsal space?
  9. no way. it will be buzzing with birds, flower and fauna. May is prime time for the cabins!
  10. I would like to see a bigger focus on literacy in this country.
  11. I'd rather have my eyeballs sucked out by...
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