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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. vibes to all!!! MISS YOU ANDREW!!! XOXOXO
  2. did I tell you that I'm seeing the Drive By Truckers in a few weeks. with all the hype, they better be good.
  3. I am not a fan of Walken or Hate it Here, so I guess I'm not a real fan.
  4. I won't be able to make it...
  5. the beat goes and I'm so wrong the beat goes on and I'm so wrong
  6. you what was terrible, IMO.. Low! sorry, but they really put me to sleep.
  7. oh yeah, who was the other dude on the keys? playing the hammond and stuff?
  8. indeed it was! and I don't get this terrible crowd stuff. maybe because I was in the balcony. I thought the show was excellent! California Stars was the highlight for me, even though Jeff, I guess forgot some of the words...but I was glad they played it. everyone around me was into the show. whatever. I had a great time.
  9. so, like, how am I gonna know who's who? pics?
  10. stop discussing this right......... NOW!
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