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Everything posted by markosis

  1. I was calling for 'Shot in the arm' this is cooler though
  2. Me too. I like it much better than your cliche "come out all guns blazing" rock and roll show. They ease you into it, like a good movie or a good record. Its a total experience.
  3. Yeah I agree, I love this arrangement.
  4. Whoah, Jeff wavered a bit on the "probablyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy". Sure sign of selling out.
  5. I'm not sure what you are saying here. Are you saying that 20,000 frat/sorrority folk makes for a bad audience? How can that be? How many Jeep Wranglers did you see that night?
  6. There's a great band from Philly called Aderbat that is still pretty much unknown, although they are amazing and they should be huge. So, all the Wilco haters in here should go support Aderbat when they are unknown so they can scold them when they advance their career.
  7. Actually, I was being sarcastic. Um, I mean, I wasn't being sarcastic. Yeah, that's the one. ....I can't even tell the difference anymore. And that isn't sarcasm. Or maybe it is. Damn.
  8. Every night I tell myself, "I am the cosmos, I am the wind" But that don't get you back again Just when I was starting to feel okay You're on the phone I never wanna be alone Never wanna be alone I hate to have to take you home Wanted too much to say no, no, Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah Never wanna be alone I hate to have to take you home Want you too much to say no, no Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah My feelings always have been Something I couldn't hide I can confide Don't know what's going on inside So every night I tell myself "I am the cosmos, I am the wind" But that don't get you
  9. Are you being sarcastic? I can't fucking stand that.
  10. Damn, those pics look like they're from 1975. And that is a good thing. Its kind of a fitting vibe for Wilco.
  11. Man, Wilco better release a new album soon. This board is getting pretty scary.
  12. That guy is obviously a fucking idiot. Who in their right mind would even begin to think like that? My god, is this what passes for rock journalism these days? I long for the good old days when critics would actually take the time to write something that was substantial, instead of this blog crap. I'm boycotting the Washington Post. In fact, I'm boycotting all media altogether. I'm throwing out my computer. This is my last post. GOODBYE.
  13. I think that would take some serious drinking/isolation/overall damnation on Tweedy's part. I love that freaking album! I'd like to hear some Jack Johnson and John Mayer influence. No, seriously, I can't say I'd want to hear any influence other than Wilco influence. I think that's plenty good.
  14. Did you get all that stuff from the Chamber of Commerce's website or something? Nah, I'd have to disagree and say it is the middle of nowhere. Bustling, populated, but still the middle of nowhere.
  15. I was super lucky to end up with a seat in row RR all the way to the right of the theater, the last seat in the row. So I was able to stand and rock out as much as I wanted for the whole show, and it was especially cool when everyone sat down because I had a totally unobstructed view of the whole band. I can't believe people were actually scolded for standing...supremely lame.
  16. Just wanted to add my elitist perspective that state lines are pretty arbitrary and they mean nothing. Just do some cool shit on your trip and enjoy it.
  17. /\ Stop being such a freaking elitist. Jeff was a true artist when he had to work a part time job between tours and sleep on people's floors. Now he's a sell out. That's how it works. and I'm being a sarcastic prick.
  18. Yes, I'm sure Wilco takes into account everyone's travel plans when making such decisions. And I'm being a sarcastic prick.
  19. Is that for real? Tom's River is like the middle of nowhere. Craziness. That actually reminds me that Twisted Sister is from Jersey, they played their first gig in Cookstown, which is also the middle of nowhere.
  20. You got Pick Up The Change! and Hotel Arizona! and Radio Cure! Sounds like a great set. I'm jealous.
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