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Everything posted by markosis

  1. I think its a great song. It reminds me of Steely Dan, when they were still good.
  2. Probably not, although I have no idea where she lives, I'm guessing she chooses not to reside in the culturally devoid San Fernando Valley. All the fires are in the north of the LA area in the mountains.
  3. Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm, and Garth Hudson could reunite and play some Band tunes. But it will never happen.
  4. So I woke up around 6:30 AM pacific time, and I noticed the sky was a little darker than normal, then stuck my head outside and smelled the smoke. There's ash floating in the pool in my condo . This shit's crazy for a Jersey boy like me, I'm not used to these kinds of natural dangers. As I look outsid now, it looks like fog, but its actually smoke. Lots of people are being evacuated because this thing is getting big. I'm sure it won't reach me because it would have to get severely huge. Since I'm unemployed I'll probably go assist at the evacuation center when shit dies down. I can't
  5. North Hills, California misses you. If you play in LA you should come and play the taco stand near my house. You can sleep in my living room.
  6. Why would I listen to The Sword when I could just listen to Sleep or Black Sabbath? That band is so lame.
  7. I was hoping she would get booed. I knew my (sort of) hometown wouldn't let me down. Why would Ed Snider, Flyers owner, get Sarah Palin to appear at a major event in a blue city like Philly? I guess she got a good dose of that coastal elitism we keep hearing so much about.
  8. There are songs from Car Alarm streaming at Thrill Jockey's website. Sounds great so far.
  9. I agree. How dare anyone try to have fun on a message board? This forum is for high-fallutin' reglious conversation only Oh yeah, one more thing:
  10. You think its stupid that someone could get $115 knocked off of a fine just for listening to music? I think its great.
  11. I got one of those for my grandmother last Christmas about farming in South Jersey, as that was what she grew up around, and she loved it. I really like those books, as well as anything to do with the history of the area I live. Its nice to know what was here before we came along.
  12. Since there's 5 pages of text, I'm willing to be someone here will buy this load of horse shit. My question is: Why?
  13. Jeez, what a disgusting comment. He's only "non-winning" because people choose to be ignorant and believe the hype that the machine pushes down their throats. A win for a non-Republicrat would be devestating to the hierarchy that runs our country, so their voices are silenced. Its the same thing that happens to the Ron Pauls and Dennis Kuciniches: people with real ideas for real change get shoved aside so we can listen to the talking heads do their same old thing for another election cycle. Excuse me for not buying the hype. I've decided to "throw my vote away" this time, instead of just
  14. Got this one at Goodwill for $0.99 today.
  15. I usually skip "Can't Stand It". That's because the album is 14 songs long and I want to get to the really good stuff. I skip "Casino Queen", probably for the same reason, there's so much great stuff on AM I'd rather hear in a sitting. That's about it. Sometimes I skip "Misunderstood" to get to "Far, Far Away", because its one of my favorites, but I still like "Misunderstood."
  16. God bless you, my son. That's what matters.
  17. I'd love to add something to the conversation, but I've discovered that trying to have a rational argument with a hardline athiest is about as futile as having a rational argument with a hardline anything (Christian/hip-hop fan/NRA member etc).
  18. I can't say I have a favorite album. "Water Curses" is my favorite song, so I'm waiting extra anxiously for this new one.
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