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Everything posted by markosis

  1. Never liked this band, but this is pretty kick ass. Makes a good "just got fired from my job-friday morning in bed-internet surfing-illegal download" soundtrack.
  2. Just one, eh? Damn... Gotta say some honourable mentions, of course: Atlas Sound - Let The Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel Fleet Foxes Sera Cahoone - Only As The Day Is Long
  3. Seriously, Van's performance is my favorite one of the guest spots. I really don't care for any of the other ones.
  4. You just answered your own question.
  5. I've always thought that scene was awesome. Just a bunch of drunk bastards jamming out, nothing disturbing about that. At least to me.
  6. Have you ever been to a show in LA?
  7. Well some may recall a year or two ago a bootleg from that concert called the "Lost Waltz" surfaced, and I was lucky enough to find pieces of it online. I distinctly recall watching the an unedited version of "Acadian Driftwood" with the bass being out of tune and the vocal harmonies being particularly off on the chorus. I'm sure that wasn't the only one, I'm sure some of the songs that made it on to the film also suffered from similar maladies.
  8. I think "Via Chicago" could get a little sketchy, especially if a dorky kid goes home and tells their parents they dissected a song with the lyrics "I dreamed about killing you..."
  9. How the fuck do two LA shows sell out? HIPSTERS MUST DIE
  10. I think it was something to the effect of: everyone, in conversations about theology, gets all hung up on "the origins of the universe" and "what happens when we die." For me, here's how I deal with those issues: 1. We were created, and we are here. That much is true. Why that is, I don't know, and I don't particularly care. I know I am here now and I'll focus on the future instead of the past. 2. What happens when we die? We won't know until we're dead, so there's really no point worrying about it because there's no way of knowing. Was that it? I deleted it because I thought it
  11. That's pretty much what I've been trying to say all along. Some use science, some use religion, some use art, some use whatever, and all any of us is doing is trying to figure out our own purpose so its pointless to bicker about each other's "contradictory" beliefs when the reality is were all stiving for the same thing: meaning. Well, yeah, I don't just walk over to my guitar and slap my hands on it and say "OK great divine force give me an idea." It takes effort and trial and error, and I know the transcendent feeling I recieve when I'm totally vibing and creating freely, and its on
  12. I've seen that book. I'm sure the book is, like I've been trying to say all along, just a different way of arriving at a similar conclusion ie "music sounds good and makes me feel good." I'd rather spend my time reading Bukowski (who was surely channeling some other force in his writing. If you don't believe me, read the first 10 pages of Women).
  13. Well, being a songwriter I can say that my best ideas come from somewhere besides my mind. Where that is, I have no idea, but its surely nothing any scientific theory or organized religious doctrine can explain. It just is. Any artist worth their salt will say the same thing, for the most part. Can you really tell me that is of this world? The way it makes me feel, there's no way someone can just slap any rational explanation on it. (tongue half in cheek) That's one option. Or, you can try option B, which is to leave the statistics for those that need things explained to them, a
  14. Ah yes, and some of us will never really know. Some go through life never pursuing anything that has real meaning to them, they're just following a dead end road. I think a word like "God" came into being to describe those who had found their pursuit, the holy ones who knew their path and followed it, that those people are filled with "God", or they have found "God."
  15. Not quite. I'm just trying to break down some walls. Get rid of the semantics of religion/spirituality and get down to the heart of the matter, which is the same no matter who you are. I don't think we need to be defined by anything other than the fact that we all breathe, eat, and sleep, i.e. we are all human beings. What I was saying wasn't really to point out the pursuits so much as to point out that we all do pursue, and religion is a means of pursuing that "something," so I think its foolish to reject spirituality when we are all engaged in spiritual pursuits of some kind. I also was
  16. Every human being is after something, every human being strives for something. Even an atheist/agnostic seeks things that bring pleasure, things that will improve their existence. Some of the most vehemently anti-religious people I know are, ironically, avid sports fans, or avid partiers, or avid music fans etc. The act of watching a sporting event for enjoyment is itself a connection to "god." It is a connection to a power that they are after. It doesn't really matter what the power is called. Some may call it "happiness", or "love", or "God", or "truth." The fact remains that no matte
  17. I listened to that "Cyanide" song, and its weak as hell. Pack it in boys, and stop embarassing yourselves.
  18. Led Zeppelin - "The Rain Song", which is essential listening in any weather, but seems especially fitting for a grey autumn day.
  19. Norah Jones doing Gram Parsons' "She": She Not great, but its the closest I could find to a live version of it.
  20. The more I listen to him, the more I'm realizing that this Bradford Cox guy is a minor genius.
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