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Everything posted by markosis

  1. I am actually surprised Pitchfork even reviewed it, considering they've always hated them mercilessly. Whatever, they're still one of my 3 favorite rock and roll bands of the current era, whether people love them or hate them.
  2. Me three! So, just listened to Fate, I have to say I'm a bit underwhelmed. It feels a little strained, like they forced it at times. Of course that's only my first impression. I felt the same way about We All Belong at first and that has grown on me immensely. I think alot of the stuff will come through in the live setting. I guess nothing will hit me like Easy Beat did. Its nice to see "From" made it onto the record. That one has been a favorite for a while.
  3. Fate has a funny way of coming around.
  4. I don't think there's any pictures of my Bear online anywhere. Anyway, he's a Shepard/Chow/Akita mix. Hairy and happy! How I miss him.
  5. No Running With Scissors. I thought that was a kick ass book.
  6. My sentiments exactly. The last 30 minutes of the movie were just so underwhelming. I believe I used those exact words myself.
  7. Core is a great record. Weiland has his own bus. What a fucking douche.
  8. /\ I was gonna say his self-titled record is a safe bet.
  9. Any record that has "New York State Of Mind" and " Summer, Highland Falls" on it cannot be awful. That one's up there for me as well. Billy Joel is the reason I am a music fan. I mean, at an age when I was open to music, his music was played in the house and in the car and I was hooked. I remember being 9 and having just heard "Ballad of Billy The Kid", I took the cassette from my parent's car and listened to it on my portable tape player probably 25 times in a row for the next 3 days.
  10. I caught wind of my 5-year HS reunion last year or the year before, I don't remember since I didn't go and had no desire to go. I just don't see that fun in having 50 versions of the same 30-second conversation: Me: Hey, what's going on? Person: Nothing much. Working, you know. Same old shit. Me: Yeah. Me too. Person: Yeah. I hear that. No thank you. Awesome.
  11. Legit: yes. Good venue: no. I hate that place.
  12. Well, it helps to ignore "Highly Suspicious." Skip that one and you'll probably enjoy the album alot more. I think its funny: they seem very dead set on progressing, but the best tracks on EU are the ones where they don't sound like they're trying to progress. They seem to have a formula for good songs, they should stick to it for 12 tracks per record instead of 3.
  13. Upon further inspection, I'm starting to enjoy the record. However, it still feels like a double-fisted punch of mediocrity, which MMJ has always felt like to me. How can a band so many people adore be so flat?
  14. As a MMJ sceptic I decided to give Evil Urges a try. I haven't made it past the 6th song, and I'm not quite sure what I make of it. Just like Z, something just feels off. I know I'm supposed to like this band, but I can't grasp it.
  15. I think Harrah's has some kind of outdoor concert venue or some such. When I was in Omaha a few weeks ago I heard the Roots playing from across the river. Yeah, the Pumpkins have been pathetic for so long, this doesn't really surprise me.
  16. Does that mean like travelling through phone lines? That's some Matrix shit.
  17. "Alice Childress" is my jam.
  18. Yeah, I did kind of notice that, the backing musicians really crank it up before the choruses and it feels like its driving home. That was great to read. And its a lovely song. I mean, if you can listen to that entire album up until that song, what's another 11 minutes? And a beautiful 11 minutes, I might add.
  19. I can't listen to anything else. I'm hooked.
  20. I didn't even know what the lyrics to "Hazel" were, besides "a little touch of your love." To be honest, I don't give a shit. I love the song.
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