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Everything posted by markosis

  1. Someone mentioned this above: The thing is, for a rock band (or whatever you'd call Animal Collective) to ignore the black roots of popular music, they'd pretty much have to be playing European classical music. I'm not a musical historian or anything, but I'm going to say that just about anything in popular music going back to the Dixieland Jass Band in the 1910s came directly or indirectly from black music. So its pretty impossible for Animal Collective or Arcade Fire to be easily shrugging off the influence of African Americans. Edit: I couldn't even follow that article much past th
  2. You're right, they absolutely do. Those two are the NHL's meal ticket. They will protect them at all costs.
  3. HA, even the fucking refs couldn't save the Canadiens the other night, although they tried. And boy, did they try. Did I mention how blatant the pro-Canadiens bias has been? Pretty frigging blatant. Stevie Wonder was probably yelling at the TV.
  4. Last spring I stood in front of the old house Bruce once rented in Long Branch, NJ during the 70s. The same house where he wrote alot of Born To Run. It felt pretty epic.
  5. Nah, we just get upset when people boo our country's national anthem and throw beer at our players in the penalty box.
  6. I walked out on The Raconteurs in September '06. Cummon, they had Dr. Dog opening, and they kicked major ass. After the greatness of Dr. Dog, who were probably playing their asses off for gas money, The Raconteurs went up and put on what I would call a less-than-inspired performance of sub-par lame rock. Seriously, Jack: get someone crappy to open your shows so you can look good, because that wasn't a smart move.
  7. Ha, hell yes. Is it any coincidence that both Montreal's goals came on power plays?
  8. I don't care that the Flyers won (although it is nice). The officiating is so fucking lopsided the referee and linesmen may as well be wearing Canadiens jerseys.
  9. Some new purchases: Easily their best work. I've yet to hear a pianist as beautiful as the Duke.
  10. The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is a godsend. Buy it and live it. It will change you. If you feel like your in a rut, that book will make a difference.
  11. Here's a link that might lead you to some other links regarding the Gibson Mark Series. A fascinating and short-lived model.
  12. Jesus, this is still going on? I think we've probably covered all music recorded, written, and performed in the 20th century by now. How about hating on some classical composers! YEAH, BEethoven suked ballz LOL.
  13. I don't care about Duke Ellington's Orchestra. The way to hear Duke is with his piano way upfront. I don't care how good of an arranger he was, his piano playing and his composing are what made him great in my book No, that's truth. It bugs me that they try to recapture all the nuances of the recorded version when they should do a totally fresh and, you know, LIVE take on the song.
  14. Call me a stupid homer, but that kneeing call on Richards was bullshit.
  15. I played there with my brother's band once, at Main Street Records, which wasn't really on too main of a street. Its a good punk scene, I can say that.
  16. When I was on tour in the Midwest, I drank Old Style and it gave me a sore throat.
  17. And Shine On You Crazy Diamonds Part I-Part Whatever.
  18. Yeah, I always thought a little more of a glimpse into the Jackie Aprile days would have been cool. The whole season sucked horribly, and it was clear they ran out of ideas in season 5. The perfect ending would have been seeing David Chase whacked for making devotees like wait through 20 shitty episodes.
  19. Yes. No. I guess I should look him up using that newfangled "internets" thing everyone keeps talking about...
  20. Ok, who the hell is this guy? For the past month I've been hearing so much about this guy, and I never knew he existed. His name makes him sound like a stand-up comedian. So who is he?
  21. Yeah, and all that money goes to an even better cause. Like providing the world with exciting, thought-provoking music.
  22. Metallica I don't know who that one band is, but its not Metallica.
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