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Everything posted by markosis

  1. I sure hope that is true because its awesome.
  2. Cool, thanks for the tips. I actually went to Amoeba when I visited a couple weeks ago. I think I'll be spending some rainy Sundays in that place. (if it ever rains, that is)
  3. That's because they're the best rock and roll band ever. Last Waltz, I could do without it. Yes, "Caravan" is great. The inclusion of Neil Diamond is a travesty. There's some great performances, the majority of the guest spots are snoozers. Its 50/50 for me.
  4. Bike riding is the best form of travel. After spending so much time driving a car, my newfound hobby of bike riding is just so liberating. Its a great feeling to be a part of the world and be able to see, smell, and hear everything that is going on around you.
  5. So, I'll be a California resident by this time next week. I'll be living in North Hills in the San Fernando Valley (blech) for a while to see if I dig the vibes out there. Are there any SoCal residents here who could direct me towards some cool things to do/check out? (Music/Arts-oriented things mostly, but anything cool and unexpected.) That would be great. Thanks.
  6. Uh, Northern Liberties is Shangri-La compared to alot of Philly neighborhoods, at least to an outsider like myself. I mean, an outdoor party in Strawberry Mansion might raise an eyebrow on this end, but in front of the Fire? Cummon.
  7. I feel bad for you poor souls who have never been to a Wawa. Best coffee in the world, not to mention you can get a custom made 2-foot hoagie at 4 in the morning. Or if not, some fresh produce or a salad. Either way, Wawa kicks everything elses ass.
  8. /\ Hell yes. I dig the part about "decade packaging" as a journalistic tool to decrease awareness about important events and important ideas. Also (reciting from a speech to a graduating college class): "You are about to be told once again that you are America's most valuable natural resource......Have you seen what they do to valuable natural resources? Have you seen a strip mine, have you seen a clear cut in the forest, have you seen a polluted river? They're gonna strip mine your souls, they're gonna clear cut your best ideas for the sake of profit, and the profit system follows th
  9. Unless you mean exposure to her breasts, in which case I'd have to disagree.
  10. Nah, WPRB in Princeton blows XPN away. And they cover a wide listening area. Check em out 103.3 FM.
  11. and I'm probably the only other person here who knows what kids corner is. I checked the XPN boards and I didn't see it mentioned.
  12. That is horrible news. Although I never saw him, his collaborations with Ani DiFranco were very inspiring and moving for me. RIP.
  13. As a side note, I just got Planet Waves, and god damn that is some great music!
  14. Well, I'll pose you this question: Which do you like to view more? If you like looking at your son's drawings more than you like looking at Van Gogh's work, than what else really matters? I've had conversations with people over this very topic. The amount of people a piece of art affects does not give it validation. It is the purity and quality of the art. For example, Joe Blow who lives down the street could write the best song you've ever heard. Just because you and Joe are the only people in the world who have heard the song, does it make the song less valid than, say, "Blowing In
  15. Isn't that really the same thing? I'm going to settle this crap: Who do you like more? It doesn't matter why or how many platinum records they have or any of that bullshit. I happen to listen to The Sea And Cake way more than I listen to Bob Dylan. Therefore, I like The Sea And Cake more than I like Dylan. I guess that means I think The Sea And Cake is better than Bob Dylan. Who gives a fuck? Listen and enjoy, or don't listen and don't enjoy. That's where I draw the line.
  16. Here's the thing: I would never be able to concentrate on the music at a place like The Gorge. The scenery would distract me.
  17. Or maybe a car powered by stray cats. Something needs to be done with the filthy buggers; they're everywhere.
  18. You must be talking about the Band. Aren't you?
  19. Just got back from an afternoon excursion to Amoeba Music in Hollywood. Here's what I picked up: Can't wait to dig into these babies!
  20. Oh for the love of Christ...Wilco is a rock and roll band. Any other labels are totally unnecessary. I've said this before and I'll say it again.
  21. No blues whatsoever? How about "I Got You (At The End Of The Century)", "Monday", "Hoodoo Voodoo," I could go on. All those songs are pretty much based on blues changes, although augmented a bit. As for the soul bit, its there. "Pieholden Suite", at least the first section has a bit of soul feel, to me. "Jesus, Etc." has some soul groove going on, mostly due to the bass line and drumming. For that matter, John's basslines do at times take on a smooth soul feel. Of course this is all personal opinion, and musical genre tags mean nothing, really. As far as the diversity thing, Wilco i
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