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Everything posted by markosis

  1. Seconded. Driving while running over squirrels and throwing styrofoan out the window, even better.
  2. Yay, another religion discussion. 'Scuse me a sec:
  3. Just listened to Van live at the Fillmore from April 1970, that was frickin sweet.
  4. Hopefully I'll make it to one of his solo shows at the Largo later this month. A Bird solo show must be awesome!
  5. I'm semi-hungover and I didn't practice...can I still be in the band guys?
  6. Damn, its tomorrow! Is anyone going to bring a printout of the tabs? I'm totally unprepared.
  7. Nah, I don't really say it. Typing, however, is a whole different ballgame.
  8. Don't forget clean and fresh-smelling. Like a pine forest.
  9. You're wrong. She sounds like the mom from Bobby's World. "Doncha know?"
  10. I've been really digging this band Department of Eagles. Its got one of the dudes from Grizzly Bear.
  11. Department Of Eagles on youtube. Actually I'm pretty well enamored with all things Grizzly Bear right now.
  12. Wait, didn't Palin say something last night about Bush's "legacy", like he did a good job? I thought that came out of her mouth, although I could have that confused with the other 957 sound bites she shot off.
  13. My .02: -No 'Sword In The Stone'? For shame, that movie was incredible. -All this CGI-based crap can suck it. I want hand drawn or nothing. -This movie star/celebrity voice-over craze=shite.
  14. I think an interesting point is that no one is actually talking about things Palin said, simply that she was poised and spoke well and related to the common folk, which I happen to agree with. If anyone actually dissected what she said, uh, I don't want to know what they'd think. Everyone is congratulating her for not going down in flames and nothing more.
  15. Annoying, yes. Catering to lots of regular folks who may not know much about the issues, yes also.
  16. I wish I was playing a drinking game, and had to do a shot every time I heard the word maverick. I'd be crawling to the bathroom right now.
  17. You're on it, Jen. She's done a great job of shooting off catch phrases, and I'm sure she's scoring a lot of points by saying things that lots of people agree with. Whether she's actually answering the questions is another story...
  18. Ha ha, she...uh...what the hell was that? "uh ah...can we talk about Afghanistan?"
  19. Just got this. I'm a little hesitant to listen to it. I hope its good...
  20. Oh boy, foreign policy. Should I make fun of her for not being able to pronounce "nuclear"?
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