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Everything posted by tongue-tied

  1. i consider something the case with little to no evidence?
  2. i'll assume it's "in order" of preference YHF Demos Summerteeth Demos YHF Engineer's Demos AM Demos
  3. listened to it, thought it was pretty bland, continue to not hear what others hear in this band/dude.
  4. because you feel all empty inside? i got a laugh out of this, the guitar is just about as good as you can ask for this song on an acoustic, and the singing is ridiculous. i enjoyed it...now..DELETED.
  5. Ringo said it was his least favorite Beatles album.
  6. yeah, some of these shots look really similar to those in the Recording The Beatles Book, the one of John above is in there in almost the same pose, except George Martin is at the desk. I've been meaning to write about how great the book is, but i'm still not much more than 10% the way through.
  7. You mean the Dunkin' Donuts Center?
  8. now i'm always going to be disappointed when my toilet doesn't turn into a jet-ski
  9. The dunkin donuts thing doesn't bother me, I believe the whole state of RI is run by them. The reserved seating is what sucks, gone is the art of planting yourself a good spot early or watching territory disputes between people's blankets, or weaseling your way to the front when your favorite act comes on.
  10. :goes out and buys some Rolling Stones records:
  11. i yearn for the day where one can praise the simple without insulting the abstract, and vice versa. many of Jeff's songs are timeless, they appear on every album. ...and please stop with the Beatles comparisons, you're making me way too excited for May 15th.
  12. i feel like that should be disturbing, but i think it's pretty funny.
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