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Attack With Love

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Everything posted by Attack With Love

  1. that reminds me of the david sedaris story in Me Talk Pretty One Day where he was on the train in Paris and some American tourists were talking about him about how all Parisians were pick-pockets and he was trying to steal from them hhaha. that one was one of my favorites.
  2. hahah my friend and i looked up when it was because we wanted to go see it, but it was that night, so we couldn't make it . not too surprising about the people and such,i think it'd be such a weird concert experience. glad she was good (actually, was she? you onlyu talked about her drummer...glad she was good!). any pics of the peach and/or the fans? sounds interesting...
  3. or soup that gets that gross layer of goop on top
  4. perhaps, perhaps. you know the consequences if you don't though.
  5. yeah i think i got it done in like 6 hours haha, it was a quick, fun read in my opinion. i think it's interesting enough for a 9th grader (coming from me, who is 16), especially with the format of the whole thing, it's not set up like a typical novel obviously. my sister's in 9th grade and i'm making her read it haha. NR: Franz Kafka-the metamorphosis, in the penal colony, and other short stories. had this one for a while, never got around to it.
  6. yay, i finally got to read some over my vacation and got through: the curious incident of the dog in the night-time-mark haddon still life with woodpecker-tom robbins (weird, but awesome awesome book) dress your family in corduroy and denim- david sedaris children playing before a statue of hercules- short stories compiled by david sedaris the rum diaries- hunter s. thompson it was a very good run of books and i loved all of them, all very much recommended
  7. thanks so much, i can't wait to hear all those new tracks!! i've been a lil out of the loop the past month travelling and such and wasn't aware of how many new songs are being played in the recent shows! very exciting. thanks again.
  8. about to start this on my trip tomorrow Tom Robbins- Still Life With Woodpecker
  9. that's on my next up list too, and i will also be bringing it with me on vacation next week! whoa!! i just started: it's actually the first i've read from Sedaris. i dunno, i love the way it reads (it's so easy and entertaining), but i don't know how hilarious it is. either way, perfect for a bored night at home, i'll prolly even end up finishing it tonight or tomorrow.
  10. nah, tuesday morning was in the regular set
  11. didn't get home til late and am still so tired, so i'll just post both setlists for everyone Court & Spark (might not be the full name of some songs, i wasn't familiar with their music): Sundowner Out On The Water Cool Me Down Fireworks Lucia Bright Phoesus (?) Let's Get High Mother Lightning Rooster Mountain Piece On Earth Capaldi Autumn Defense: We Would Never Die Tuesday Morning Simple Explaination City Bells Sun In California Where You Are Spend Your Life The Answer Winterlight Iowa City Adeiu About To Change Feel U Now The World Will Soon Turn Our Way Nothin At All Encore: Blu
  12. i've never really watched soccer, but i'm going to be in germany during the world cup this summer so i'm thinking by the time i get home i'm giong to have to be very into it. we have time set aside almost every night for going somewhere and watching soccer haha. it's going to be crazy, i'm excited to see what it's all about.
  13. Here's the New Pornographers set list (at least it's what's on their actual setlist...i think there was a request or two thrown in...) Star Bodies Use It Breakin' The Law The Bleeding Heart Show jackie, dressed in cobras mass romantic testament to youth in verse miss teen wordpower fake headlines twin cinema streets of fire it's only divine right slow decent into alcoholism sing me spanish techno letter from an occupant
  14. yeah it is, it's true the crowd wasn't digging him too much. he was the "special guest" and the shortest set (not by his choosing). i think the jycks would have brought a lot more to his set, but i guess it would be kind of a hassle to get that all together for like 6 songs (about a 1/2 hour). that being said, malkmus has been one of my musical heroes since i was a freshman in high school (okay, that was only two years ago, but still!) and it was awesome seeing him since all the other times he's come near me it's age restricted or something else. i don't think most poeple knew who he was or wh
  15. it waas a really last minute thing, we heard rumours of malkmus and new pornographers earlier in the week, but honestly didn't find info on it til yesterday morning. morgs called me at like 12:30 and said that MMJ wasw playing too and we called later and they said it was students-only in rules but not in practice, because they had a bunch of tickets left. i wish it was more official so you guys could come up, but how much would it have sucked if it wasnt real or you couldn't get in? morgs almost ruined it for me and her by waiting for me to lie that we were undergrads when they asked, it was l
  16. i would love to have a live neko show, but am not a torrent-er. if anyone wants to do a b&p or a YSI exchange, that'd be awesome. and those pics are excellent.
  17. oh my god, i would kill for that rug. me and casinoqueen will go in together in a letters for santa bid for that rug. oh yeah. cool concert.
  18. my friend just lent me like 5 of his books. should be a fun few weeks.
  19. yeah, and the fact that it was his last book and (in my opinion) very different than the rest of his work i find very interesting. i like that most of his work is complex but a quick read. i'll put Ham On Rye next on my list
  20. my boyfriend is a huge bukowski freak, so i borrow his books all the time. i've only read this one, pulp, war all the time, and post office. now that i have more time to read though, i'll surely dig deeper.
  21. elizabeth anka vajagic. plus she has a beautiful voice
  22. no. there's no way i'm studying math anymore than we did today. watching south park is more productive at this point. oh yeah, the living room show was awesome. (that's what this thread is about...right?)
  23. oh man, that was a pretty funny thing, i would have loved watching that (if i wasn't the one driving). okay okay, edie's was the first time i parallel parked without frustration and within 5 minutes hahah. go to bed morgan, we have final exams tomorrow (i can't sleep...i tried!)
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