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Everything posted by a.miller

  1. I think you'll find that this becomes your favorite guitar because it is truly yours. The mojo factor is so thick on homebuilts that you could cut it with a knife!
  2. WOOO HOOOOO!!! That came out great! That pickguard really sets it off. It looks super awesome.
  3. It's probably some sort of DI (direct input box). I don't know if that's of any help.
  4. Thanks a bunch!! Damn, Wilco is ssooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!
  5. The Great Salt Lake is fantastic. I must say, that driving home from work and seeing the sunset and the real great salt lake is pretty damn cool with this song pumping. EATT is far superior to Cease to Begin. I got them both together, and if no one told me, I would have figured Cease to Begin was the older album. Certainly a step back -- not a big one, but not in the same league as the first one.
  6. I am jealous. Just now listening to the show from the last two nights. Damn -- These guys are hands down the best band out there. I almost take it for granted.
  7. I just watched it over the weekend. Very good flick. Sparked a good debate on the right/wrong argument. The last scene in the movie said so, so much. BTW, Casey Affleck > Ben Affleck.
  8. There was some activity that Jeff talked about recently that he described as "Foundations" or something like that. During this activity, Jeff would be in a sound-isolation booth where the rest of the band could hear him, but he could not hear them. He would sort of "jam" on whatever song he was in the process of writing and the band would do the same thing. As far as Pro Tools goes, imagine a piece of paper where ever line is a different track, going from left to right. You can add another "line on the page", which will allow you to overdub. So essentially an entire band would never have to
  9. Jeff Tweedy did an awesome version of Dreamin' once. I have the mp3 somewhere. Anyway....great little 'converted' song. I've adopted my own way of playing, which is much like Jeff's. Just another idea.
  10. Yep. My Jazzmaster is like that for sure. I just used it on some recordings tonight, and finally got some cool stuff out of it. Really a punchy sounding guitar. Me likey.
  11. The devil told Robert Johnson that it's that way, so it's that way. I really have no idea. I'm not a big blues nut, but I find it very intriguing that it "works" and in just about every musical key.
  12. Todd, nice fucking song man. I like "alt take 1" it felt the most cohesive to me. Did you record it soon after your favorite take 1? Sometimes (in my recording) I have found that I get my juices flowing during "take 1" and then knock out the second take rather quickly...or something. Either way, cool tunes.
  13. Got this from another forum, thought VCers might get a little laugh out of it:
  14. Totally. If you're in a large enough market that you can get something good used -- go for it. It'll probably be a little more broken-in too, which is great. And you can get more guitar for the money.
  15. I think this is probably spot-on. Good call. "Break dance moves" is what Hurley called it, right?
  16. I heard on ESPN this morning that good old GW has a pardon lined up for Clemens. Not sure if that's true....but it sure does fit.
  17. Another great episode. I'm sticking with the hypothesis that the Oceanic Six realize that their lives are a wreck once off the island, and they're doing all they can to make the the remaining group doesn't get to come back. BTW, how about the 31 minutes thing? -- very odd.
  18. In all of the talk of using, the part that makes me feel the worst is that the teams were seemingly condoning this practice, even promoting it. For some reason I find more fault with teams that did that than with players using because they felt they had to. Maybe that's just a cop-out for players who were using....
  19. I've always found it funny that, on paper, clowns are basically supposed to be the funniest and happiest things ever....and yet, I'd say more people are freaked out by them than made happy. I can't think of anything else like that.
  20. I agree. Once a person learns, then they'll know what they want. Even for well-versed players, some guitars just don't jive with some people like they do with others.
  21. The whole essay sounded like a "look the other way" type of piece. The reason the people of America do have concern for the government and do want a strong nation are the results of not having to worry that there will be food in the grocery stores and firefighters waiting to help. That's why the US is dubbed as a great nation. America's citizens have the ability to criticize and make claims. That's what the country was founded on. How many large-scale, positive changes were made by accepting thing for what they are and just being okay with them?
  22. Yep. Certainly a big idiot. I'd like to think, at this point, that if Clemens really is guilty he would admit it. Perjury is kind of a big deal This whole ordeal really stinks for baseball.
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