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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. shoes, shoes, shoes, shoes. foot powder. day shows. yard dog (bloodshot picnic on Friday's a guaranteed good time), Filter and New West good bbq, but noon's a little early for free Dewers. Force yourself to stay off your feet for 2 hours between day and night stuff. Carry lots of singles.
  2. Huckabee just now on FOX: "there's been a lot of questions about me from the people on the east coast and from people on the west coast. but out here in America people get what I'm talking about." Ouch.
  3. Very good. Dense in spots, but not unrelentingly so. A man of seemingly unlimited energy, both mental and physical, and boundless curiosity.
  4. Ready for third? For a second there, I though Fuzzy Zoeller was in the room.
  5. FOXNEWS appears to be terrified by the prospect of Hillary not getting the nomination. Dick Morris and O'Reilly were both going on and on about how unimportant the Iowa results are.
  6. The Sorrow and the Pity Considering that in WWI 60 percent of French men 18-27 were killed or permanently maimed, I cut 'em a little slack.
  7. Oil Futures Rise to $100 a Barrel Wednesday January 2, 3:53 pm ET NEW YORK (AP) -- Crude oil prices soared to $100 a barrel Wednesday for the first time, reaching that milestone amid an unshakeable view that global demand for oil and petroleum products will outstrip supplies. Surging economies in China and India fed by oil and gasoline have sent prices soaring over the past year, while tensions in oil producing nations like Nigeria and Iran have increasingly made investors nervous and invited speculators to drive prices even higher. Violence in Nigeria helped give crude the final push ov
  8. Finally, finally, finally finishing the William James bio. Got the Charles Schulz thing coming, and I'll eventually get back to Einstein and Robert Moses.
  9. stubhub's got tickets at face value.
  10. Absolutely. How dare he try to make a living.
  11. There's a magazine called Sunset. That was way too easy.
  12. the only way I've been able to eliminate wrong art is to replace it with the right art. select all the tracks of the album, then drag correct art into "selected item" box at bottom left corner - for me it's a little tricky, have to find the sweet spot on the edge of the box.
  13. According to AP. Pretty depressing. Didn't anything good happen in 07? 1. VIRGINIA TECH KILLINGS: Seung-Hui Cho, 23, who had avoided court-ordered mental health treatment despite a history of psychiatric problems, killed two fellow students in a dormitory on April 16, detoured to mail a hate-filled video of himself to NBC News, then shot dead 30 students and professors in a classroom building before killing himself. It was the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. 2. MORTGAGE CRISIS: A record-setting wave of mortgage foreclosures, coupled with a steep slump in the housing market, buf
  14. Not that I'm any big Clemens fan, but is there a bigger media whore in baseball than Curt Schilling? I'm tired of hearing how Clemens is getting easier treatment by the press than Bonds. I don't see it, but if it exists, it's a function of Bonds being a Class A prick with the media for many, many years. It's like what happened with Nixon: treat us like crap, we'll cut you no slack.
  15. Here's a plan that sounds pretty good: For every show, the presale is open only to viachicago board members with membership numbers lower than, let's say, 134. Yeah, I'm a snob.
  16. I was promised an early copy of this . . .
  17. They're just seeing what the market will bear. I can't imagine ever paying over $50 for a GA ticket. Nice, comfy chair, guaranteed spot, maybe.
  18. Here's what you do: print this out, show up at the Riv, give it to the ticket guy and see what happens.
  19. In 1989 I got through on the phone three times and had four tickets to all three World Series games at Wrigley.
  20. I recall in March 05 ambling up to the ticket window at HOB in cleveland and buying tickets a few days after they went on sale. Has Wilco really gotten that much hotter in three years that it's now a mad dash for tickets?
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