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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Heroes and Villains. I kinda dig the track - shows he wasn't taking himself, or his legend, too seriously.
  2. Guess we're seeing what LeBron means to the Cavs now. Not even competitive sans LBJ.
  3. I always thought the SRC thing was lame, though it got the most hype. He was sitting in a rocket, which they were gonna shoot over a canyon. BFD. Hadn't we already shot a few guys to the freakin' moon? The bike stuff was all cool, though.
  4. And I just had my bike out today, keeping the battery juiced up. Godspeed on that last, big jump, Evel.
  5. Something about reading all these clever lines at once makes me think: "What an asshole!" Which probably says more about me than about Westerberg.
  6. Sent to spy on a Cuban talent show First stop: Havana au go-go.
  7. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I mean, hot is hot.
  8. Somewhere there's a smile with my name on it.
  9. It's all those double consonants. Once, ok; twice, maybe; three times, forget it.
  10. Just one year into his latest term? That's a little suspect. Not that I would ever spread rumors, but there are murmurs that include the phrase "male escort service."
  11. The American Pie single I had had half the song on one side, fade out, flip, fade in, half the song on the other.
  12. If you're in the neighborhood of Garwood, NJ (north of New Brunswick, west of Elizabeth) on Saturday, The Embracers will be playing their first ever show at the Crossroads Bar at 8 p.m. Mike the bass player is a HUGE Wilco fan (and my niece's boyfriend - full disclosure). The two tunes on their myspace page bring to mind Minus 5's Down With Wilco and the Jayhawks/Gram Parsons. So get out there and years from now you won't have to lie when you lean back and say: "Yeah, I was at their first show."
  13. Those white guys do look alike.
  14. Why do people still interview this guy? Guess it's an easy story, and there ain't nothing a journalist loves more than an easy story. "Scarlett Johansson wants to have sex with me right now? Sorry, I'm working on an easy story."
  15. It means that Wilco fans consider themselves somehow better than everybody else. Which is true, but still . . .
  16. Jer was trying for funny, but came off as pompous and insecure. Which was pretty funny.
  17. Strange kinda fella. It was a bit weird seeing his little apartment plastered with NY Dolls stuff 30 years after the fact. Glad he found a place with the Mormons, and had one last taste of the rock star life - truly one of the very lucky ones. Ya know, his girlfriend half cut off his thumb to keep him from going on tour. Now that's LOVE.
  18. So, was it a Clover reunion? Hey, Huey's that guy on the right?
  19. **Insert goofy comment about rising polls here** From Harpers: Not Just Republicans Spreading Rumors About Hillary
  20. So far, not so good. Whisper-thin premise, out-of-nowhere subplot.
  21. I'm guessing someone already posted this: (sorry, my time is much too valuable for me to review 14 pages of posts.)
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