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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. TVZ gets lots of love here. Live at the Old Quarter is essential listening. A lot of his studio stuff is a mite overproduced, as was the way of the late 60s and 70s. Check out from Heartworn Highways. Be Here To Love Me gives you TVZ warts and all.
  2. How about that ski resort on the Much Music Snow Job DVD. If not that coolest, it had to be the coldest venue. Watch your step, Bob!
  3. Being There is the CD that says what Wilco's all about.
  4. I love Bill Frisell, but isn't the band already getting a little long in the tooth? "Please give a warm welcome to another middle-aged white guy!" How's about a little diversity. And by "diversity" I mean attractive young women. I'm not sayin'. I'm just sayin'.
  5. Best probably the Mercury (now Parish) in Austin (9-02) or the Metropolis in Montreal (6-03). Worst by far is the Tower City Amphitheater in Cleveland (6-03). Basically a big tent over a parking lot. Not worth linking to.
  6. Inneresting. How much time do you lose eating fast food? Living in New Jersey? Worrying about how much life you're losing?
  7. At their soundcheck in Cleveland in 03 Jeff went up an octave at the end of every verse and left it teetering on the ledge.
  8. I love it when Wilco fans get tough. Reminds me of these guys:
  9. I'm in row 1 section E, which means I probably won't be able to see half the stage, but I'll be in good position to pummel John if he starts lookin' at me funny.
  10. Say that to her face and wave bye-bye to your balls.
  11. "Do you realize that everyone you know someday will die?" So, might as well enjoy a Camel!
  12. I think this is an ad for tivo in Budapest. My buddy grew up with the guy in the hat.
  13. Seems like it would be kinda crappy to wait this long to announce a show, considering that most people going to aftershows likely already have made plans for each night and bought tickets. Wilco fans would either be shut out of other big shows if they don't play at Stubbs or be stuck with tickets to other shows if they do play Stubbs. Going back to 2002, that was actually the night before the first-year ACL festival started (was only Saturday-Sunday) and the whole thing was much, much less organized than it is now.
  14. I sorta like the slow rollout of the extras - nice to chew on the tracks one at a time. the album's great and has legs, I've been spinning it since they started streaming it, though I'd always like more Neko. Been trying to figure out whether or not this is a good review.
  15. Here's Mark on WXPN at World Cafe Live, with the lovely and talented Megan Hickey of The Last Town Chorus.
  16. I'm guessing that gay stuff is pretty great, since it seems these guys can't resist. But in an airport men's room? Dude, forget about re-erection . . . ah, re-election.
  17. I'm just hoping the Flyers go back to their uniform from the glorious 70s, which they modified when they felt the refs were giving them the quick whistle.
  18. Iraq and Vietnam: The Real Parallel "In the middle of a crisis even more dangerous than Vietnam, President George W. Bush sits isolated in the White House, surrounded by a dwindling band of advisers, and continues to talk about winning in Iraq. His supporters in Congress and the media seize every short-term success, in Washington or Iraq, to flog their opponents as defeatists and lay the groundwork for a stab-in-the-back narrative. His critics in Congress and the media clamor for him to admit defeat and begin an immediate withdrawal. Over the course of 2007, the two sides haven
  19. Here's the thing: W keeps saying that we MUST WIN in Iraq, that our very way of life depends on it. OK. So what are we doing surging with 20K or 50K troops and not 200K troops? Why haven't I heard a call for all able-bodied Americans to join this fight that is essential to our very survival? Where are the bond rallies, the rationing, the conversion to war production? Where is the shared sacrifice? Once everybody knows somebody in the fight (or might have to enter the fight), then there will be a real push to get this thing done the right way and get the hell out.
  20. Oh, can't we have a little fun, maybe? I'm starting to think Wilco fans take things a bit too seriously. Babies, machine guns, what's not to ?
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