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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. So . . . all you guys wanna buy a VW now? Sorry, Wilco Worshipper.
  2. [begin personal attack on Michael Moore] Little wonder MM is concerned about the healthcare system - guy doesn't appear to have a very healthful lifestyle. Was he the model for Family Guy? Dude, consider a salad now and again. Ever consider you're doing these causes more harm than good? F 9-11 did wonders - Bush only received the MOST VOTES IN HISTORY in 2004. [End personal attack on Michael Moore]
  3. Probably would be funnier if people weren't still dying due to his incompetence. This just in: Senator George Voinovich (R-Ohio) has joined the "cut and runners" calling for troop withdraw from Iraq
  4. Weighing in at 9 minutes, 57 seconds. "Hey, we were kidding when we yelled 'Freebird.' "
  5. Sir, your characterization is an egregious affront to taste and decency, geometry and theology! (God, please don't let Will Farrell play Ignatius J. Reilly on the big screen. One Chevy Chase was more than enough.)
  6. Good stuff. Still, it would have been a big, hockin' issue that would cause a state in the more prosperous, economically diverse north to take such a drastic, damaging step.
  7. I think I started the thread because I'd just heard of the opening song, thought the lyrics kicked Yankee ass and wanted to share it. The rest was musing on my part, would the Federals have been better off letting the South go its own way, rather than fighting the deadliest war (still) in US history. Consider it a late-night college bull session.
  8. I can't believe that EVERYBODY missed the gaping hole it my argument: MUSIC!!!!! Where would American music be today without the south? Jazz, blues, boogie, folk, gospel, ELVIS. Christ, the whole thread is built on 19th century lyrics that would be at home on the next Drive-By Truckers' album. Shit, I might even suggest it to Patterson.
  9. I Must Be High. Aug. 30 . . . Will Conan be the host then?
  10. Alls I was wondering is whether these ads made young adults crave VWs (admittedly in a snide fashion). I couldn't give a rat's ass what Wilco does with their songs. There are plenty of more important issues in the world be get worked up over.
  11. Sorry if you thought I was trying to hijack your thread, but it's not as if there was much of a premise to open the thread besides, "Hey, the 2nd VW commercial aired tonight." Is there any particular direction that you were hoping for with this thread, besides "Yeah, I saw it too"?
  12. Sure, but we coulda kept doing that stuff without those guys.
  13. He'll be joined by Megan Hickey of The Last Town Chorus next week: JUNE 27th, Louisville. WFPK Waterfront Wednesday. Megan is honored to join Mark Olson to sing harmonies with him and play lap steel. 29, Philadelphia. WXPN Free At Noon, World Cafe Live. Listen live online. Megan is honored to join Mark Olson to sing harmonies with him and play lap steel.
  14. Question to the young adults out there in VC land: are you buying into the concept that the Volkswagen - or V-Dubs, as the kids say - is a hip, happenin' set of wheels that says a lot about who you are and what you're about?
  15. First know use of the word "wuss" in a popular song.
  16. Actually, I just finished the Teaching Company's Civil War course and thought those lyrics were pretty bitchin'.
  17. Yes, the war in the end did bring about emancipation. However, if the south had been allowed to leave, it would have been so isolated from the rest of the developed world (and the north) that it would have been forced to come into line on its own. The fact that a full 80 percent of fighting age white males served in the confederate army would seem to indicate a high level of antipathy toward the union.
  18. I mean, really. We coulda just let 'em become a sweltering Canada. GOOD OL' REBEL SOLDIER by Major Innes Randolph, C.S.A. Oh, I'm a good old Rebel soldier, now that's just what I am; For this "Fair Land of Freedom" I do not give a damn! I'm glad I fit against it, I only wish we'd won, And I don't want no pardon for anything I done. I hates the Constitution, this "Great Republic," too! I hates the Freedman's Bureau and uniforms of blue! I hates the nasty eagle with all its brags and fuss, And the lying, thieving Yankees, I hates 'em wuss and wuss! I hates the Yankee nation and everythi
  19. What a viable third-party candidate does is at least forces the other two candidates to move beyond their standard "Vote for me or the other guy will win" platforms. There's too much at stake for this to be another business-as-usual election, which is how it seems to be shaping up. And for everyone whining about Nader in '00, don't forget Perot helped get Clinton elected in '92. The blade cuts both ways.
  20. Once everyone realizes what a bunch of duds are running now . . . NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Leaves GOP By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: June 19, 2007 Filed at 7:04 p.m. ET NEW YORK (AP) -- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday switched his party status from Republican to unaffiliated, a stunning move certain to be seen as a prelude to an independent presidential bid that would upend the 2008 race. The billionaire former CEO, who was a lifelong Democrat before he switched to the GOP for his first mayoral run, said the change in voter registration does not mean he is running for
  21. Wilco's at 6:30 Sunday against My Morning Jacket and Patterson Hood.
  22. Isn't Mitt Romney the guy who did universal health care in Mass.?
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