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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Well, it does seem to be a quality product! I like that the dad first checked to see the stroller was OK before the mom got the kid!
  2. Just how insecure about your manhood do you have to be to get involved in dogfighting? I'm not sayin', but . . . . . . those football uniforms sure are tight these days. And he appears to be prancing.
  3. Like the Kennedys, politics is the family business. CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - Is a White House wedding in the works? Jenna Bush, one of President Bush's twin daughters, is engaged to be married to her longtime boyfriend, Henry Hager, the White House announced Thursday. Asked if the two were getting married in the Rose Garden, Sally McDonough, press secretary for first lady Laura Bush, replied: "They have not set any details, date or place." Jenna Bush, 25, and Hager, 29, were engaged in Maine on Wednesday, she said. The two have been dating for several years, and Hager is often seen a
  4. Last night Stewart interviews Stephen Hayes, who wrote a glowing bio of Cheney, dude keeps playing the "Cheney never said that" card, and Stewart's not letting him off the hook - felt a little sorry for the guy, with the crowd stacked against him. Very real and very uncomfortable. I guess some of it ties into this.
  5. And don't forget his musical turn as the announcer on Meat Loaf's Paradise By The Dashboard Light.
  6. I'll take it! (just wondering - which half?)
  7. . . . The Flaming Lips' live DVD-type thing comes out next week? Preview here. Also out Tuesday: Criterion release of David Mamet's House of Games. $25.99 on Amazon.
  8. Well, Jay Bennett never missed a show because of "chicken pox." My guess is NC's broken up over the whole Karl Rove thing.
  9. I'll assume there would be a deferment for "helping Dad running for president."
  10. Bush War Adviser Says Draft Worth a Look Aug 10 06:25 PM US/Eastern By RICHARD LARDNER WASHINGTON (AP) - Frequent tours for U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan have stressed the all-volunteer force and made it worth considering a return to a military draft, President Bush's new war adviser said Friday. "I think it makes sense to certainly consider it," Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute said in an interview with National Public Radio's "All Things Considered." "And I can tell you, this has always been an option on the table. But ultimately, this is a policy matter between meeting
  11. It's been downhill since the big Lude.
  12. When you're hot These guys are making about as much sense as anyone.
  13. No, the guys in the band. They need their days off.
  14. I thought this was gonna be a thread about Mitt Romney explaining how his five sons were serving their country while not serving in the military: "One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president." Someone tell the troops - this should buck up their morale in Baghdad, where it's 120 degrees today.
  15. Hey, these guys aren't as young as they used to be.
  16. : The Lady of the Lake,... [angels sing] ...her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. [singing stops] That is why I am your king! DENNIS: Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. ARTHUR: Be quiet! DENNIS: Well, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cau
  17. When I turned 40 I wanted to be doing a ton on my Honda. Alas, I was in a speed zone. Such is life. HBD ya old fart!!!
  18. Well, I bit the bullet, swallowed hard and took the plunge. I'll save by staying at La Quinta (least expensive downtown, fills up quickest) rather than the Hilton. Where's the best place to rent a bike in Austin?
  19. Well, this bridge was found to be "deficient" 17 years ago, so I don't want to hear about "no one saw this coming." Estimate to repair the U.S.'s crumbling infrastructure: $1.6 trillion.
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