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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Let's watch that "Mission Accomplished" talk! Once Jose Mesa gets his command back, it'll be a whole new ballgame!
  2. So, what's the verdict? Also: just wondering, how many of you guys' parents were in WWII? My dad was, technically. He turned 17 and joined the Navy just after the fighting ended but before the treaties were ratified, making him a WWII vet.
  3. for 3,000 miners. 3,000 workers trapped in S. Africa mine JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - About 3,000 miners were trapped underground Wednesday when a water pipe burst and probably caused a shaft to collapse in a South African gold mine, union officials said. An official with Harmony Gold's Elandsrand Mine near Johannesburg said company would be able to evacuate the trapped workers over the next 24 hours. Harmony's acting chief executive, Graham Briggs, said on MSNBC that officials have been in contact with the trapped workers and have been sending them food and water. He said the comp
  4. Does he get Wayne Coyne's hand-me-downs?
  5. I was in Chicago in Oct. 2003 for a Neko Case show. The Cubs were in Fla. having beaten the Marlins the night before. So I hung out in Wrigleyville and had lunch at Murphy's just across from the bleachers. Started talking to a Cubs fan who was saying how crazy it was in there the previous night. Then I started talking about the Red Sox-Yankees series and how the afternoon game should be cool with Roger facing Pedro. Dude had no idea who I was talking about.
  6. Don't forget the goat sacrifice.
  7. I might go along with this except for the fact that the Cardinals came out of the NL Central with the 6th or 7th best record in the NL last year and won it all last year. Don't expect it to happen two years in a row.
  8. The weird thing is, I didn't see anyone arguing the call. So if the Padres aren't worried about it, I won't worry about it.
  9. Yes, those Phillies were bad, beating the Mets eight times in a row. Bad, bad Phillies!
  10. Don't know about 00, but the 73 team won about 82 games, took out the Big Red Machine in 5 and took the defending champion A's to 7 before losing. They were hardly victims of bad fortune. (I was a huge Mets fan then, before they traded Tug.) Welcome to the bandwagon! You're getting on about the same time as many Clevelanders (it is football season, ya know).
  11. Face it: you're still paying the bill for the good fortune you had in 69 and 86.
  12. When I mentioned Neko Case to one otherwise astute guy, he asked what kind of music they played. (He became a big fan). When Lucinda Williams was opening for Neil Young in Columbus, folks wanted to know did she sound like Shania Twain.
  13. I know my mom's sad about the Mets, but I also know she LOVES the fact that both her boys are gonna be working the post-season, me in Cleveland and my brother in Philly.
  14. I guess the Cardinals proved that last year.
  15. So the first NL clincher will be the weakest of the qualifiers. Nice system.
  16. When Wilco followed Neko Case in Montreal in 03, Tweedy said that his voice must sound like a frog by comparison.
  17. Really. Thank God they've cleaned up war since then.
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