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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Neil attacked by DEVO!!! What's not to love?
  2. Great concert video: Rust Never Sleeps. Saw this the night before I went to college in 1979 - those Rust Vision glasses must be here somewhere.
  3. Actually, that's John's other job with the band: Checking out new coffee shops and making sure they're playing enough Wilco. Here's one that didn't get "Stirratt approval":
  4. Not that I've seen any of the nominated best pics, but I saw Crazy Heart and while I enjoyed it for the music and the performances, the story itself was very conventional. Dude is amazing. Bobby D drops by about 3/4th into the picture as The Bartender With All The Answers. Wraps up way too tidy.
  5. In somewhat related news, my buddy John Campanelli just got an exclusive interview with elusive Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson. Maybe Watterson got a little spooked by Salinger's passing.
  6. Apparently CBS refuses to air this ad during the Super Bowl. Hardly news that football has certain, ah, overtones, right?
  7. Daltrey's actually not too horrible in this.
  8. Last year at SXSW I was at the Olson-Louris show at the Driskoll Hotel and there was a guy standing next to me who I recognized and I thought might be Nels, but seemed older. Had a couple of younger ladies hangin' with him, too. Turned out to be John Hammond Jr., whom I'd meet a few years back after a show. Slight resemblance, maybe.
  9. Thank goodness nothing like this can ever happen again!
  10. "Buddy, baby, we love it! But can you give us those Nixon beady eyes?"
  11. Funny they were so cool with you, when they hated each other (well, Joey hated Johnny, not sure if Johnny gave a crap).
  12. Being a Wilco fan means not being put off by occasional lineup changes.
  13. Well, neither did the Beatles.
  14. tugmoose

    Pazz n Jop

    Wilco almost breaks top 20. Neko's No. 3.
  15. Murdered Beatle humor. Nice.
  16. At least they still have the NHL. That's sarcasm, btw.
  17. The biggest joke here is that NBC, which was looking so long term that they thought they could program 6 years in advance, goes the complete opposite direction in being knee jerk with both Leno and Conan in their new slots. If I were Jay I'd just walk and leave NBC with dick. But I'm not Jay.
  18. "Rubbed their noses in it"? This isn't pop warner - it's pro football. You don't want the other team to score, you stop them. End of story.
  19. Inneresting take I saw on daily dish: Coakley wins, HCR passes, things continue to generally suck, Democrat's depressed mood deepens, tea party boils, GOP wins blow out in 2010. Coakley loses, HCR goes down to defeat, Democrats rise in fury, tea party fails to offer credible alternative, a finally furious Obama is handed the best foil since Dewey didn't beat Truman, Democrats pick up three Senate seats in 2010, HCR passes with robust public option and Medicare buy-in, polar bears saved.
  20. This was all rather interesting until Tuesday. Now it's a little hard to get worked up over.
  21. So sorry for your loss, Reni.
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