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Everything posted by MattZ

  1. Hey Lou - not to give you a hard time, but Time out of mind came out 9 years ago. 1997. So in the last ten years he has put out the previous two studio albums. So your statement is redundant. Seriously though, and because I assume you meant its the best album he's made in a long time (as opposed to the last ten years), which do you think it is the best since? I adore Oh Mercy which is from 1989, but this may be better than Oh Mercy too. Not that it really matters where it ranks, but things are slow here, and its always a good time to talk Dylan.
  2. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but everything that I have seen and heard is that the Modern Times LP is on backorder everywhere you look -- including the label's webpage. So there is clearly a demand for it. I dont think its a stretch to think that the label would have put more effort into something so heavily in demand. But there I go again putting faith in record labels. And one other thing -- back a few weeks ago when there was all this discussion on here about how this new album wouldnt last because it was just toe-tapping blues that would get old (TheMaker)? Guess what. It hasn'
  3. I have come to the realization that The Colbert Report is way better than the Daily Show now. Stewart is still great, but that show relies on the correspondents, and all the good correspondents are gone. Honestly, is there anyone anywhere that thinks that Samantha Bee is funny? Not to hijack the thread, but as far as Daily Show correspondents go: Colbert > Cordry > Carrell > Helms > everyone else > Samantha Bee
  4. I hear ya. I am disappointed in the packaging. I have love and theft on vinyl too, and that doesnt even flip open. They just shove two LPs into the one cover sleeve. I can live with the packaging though -- I am much more disappointed in the whole two songs on one side bit. Breaks up the album way too much. Who wants to get off their ass to flip the first side after two songs? The good news: I think Workingman's Blues sparkles on the vinyl. That was the song that jumped out at me as sounding better on vinyl than the CD. I just got it the other day though, so I will spending much time
  5. I have nothing to say that hasnt already been said. I am thinking of you and your family and wishing you all the best during this tough time. Our mothers are the ones that believe in us when no one else does. It's their faith in us that gives us the courage to take a step when we are afraid to fall. Our mothers are the presidents of our fan clubs.
  6. Apparently, now Cliff Floyd is out for the remainder of the playoffs.
  7. Home is anywhere you hang your head - Elvis costello
  8. I had a bitch of a time finding the new album on vinyl. I have it now, but damn, what a pain in the arse it was. I think they may have just underestimated the demand, but I spent three straight wkds going to every record store I know in Greenwich Village only to hear the following response: "sorry, we are out. should be getting another shipment next week." FInally found it on ebay. Even then, it took the store 2 wks to even ship it out.
  9. I saw AiH open for CYHSY recently in Central Park and cried for their entire set. I have seen some pretty bad opening bands in my life, but this one may have taken the cake. To each his/her own, I suppose, but this band just is not my style. The only saving grace in my mind was that I felt a strong sense that they were doing something different -- something that wasnt anything close to cookie cutter. But that alone doesnt do it for me. FWIW, CYHSY were terrible too. And I love CYHSY.
  10. I tip my cap to you Buck O'Neil. We will miss you.
  11. I liked this album but didnt love it on first listen. Giving it a second listen now. Its not overwhelming me. I hope I didnt get my hopes up too high given all the stellar reviews... EDIT: Disclaimer -- I am listening to this at work through my crappy computer speakers, so maybe I will like it more when I get home and put it on a real stereo.
  12. If you think that what is happening right now is that their biggest weakenss is being shown you are crazy. Your arguments all along were that their starting pitching stunk. Even when you were making those arguments, their staff still had Pedro and El Duque. These are injuries -- how does this expose a flaw in how the team was built? Take away the ace and the third best pitcher from any team (playoff or otherwise) and where would they be? Thats why I am scared. Because two pitchers that I was counting on are no longer in the mix. How does that expose their starting pitching as a weakness
  13. Thanks. I really think its the Dodgers in 4. Ya gotta believe though. And I am keeping the faith. What is? The golf this time of the year in South Florida?
  14. ESPN is reporting that Game 3 is Perez. Not sure why. It would make more sense that Perez pitches Game 4. Maybe its just a mistake. The Dodgers smell blood right now. You know it. They are going to come out all jacked up. Damn, its such a shame. Dodgers in 4.
  15. No matter how many times I look there is not an emoticon that will accurately describe how I am feeling right now. John Maine Game 1. Oliver Perez Game 3.
  16. No, you are right. But this team would have won with or without him. And he is going to end up with a ring and I am going to hear about how he is a "champion" and how he has now "earned" his pinstripes -- whatever the f*ck that means. This Yankee team is loaded right now and might win the WS if I was playing third base. Seriously, bat me 9th and put me at third. Lets see what happens. Ok, maybe I am panicking. I shouldnt give the championship to the yanks yet. Its why they play the games. And lets face it, there are still plenty of opportunities for ARod to hit into DPs when the Yank
  17. This just in: I still hate the Yankees. And: We are all lucky to be watching Derek Jeter in his prime in October. The guy is as close as I can remember to Jordan in the playoffs. The guy just wills hits. Its astounding to me. It pisses me off that the Yanks are going to cake walk through the AL and the chump NL champ for #27. And then A-Rod will get a ring he doesnt deserve. I hate life right now. As for the Mets, well, with Pedro and now El Duque hurt, I suppose this is the bitter price you pay when you rely on veteran pitchers. They just arent reliable. I am sick to my stomach to
  18. I gotta agree with Edie. I hear what you are saying El El. I really do. Suggesting that we should leave Iraq absolutely emboldens the terrorists. There's no doubt about it. But you know what? We need to leave Iraq. Its just the truth. I think it has to be said -- for everyone's sake. EDIT: I dont know what "speak intelligently" really means. And I dont think critics should have to analyze their word choices to see if they are saying things the right way. No matter what a critic of the administration says, he/she is emboldening the terrorists. So what's the difference?
  19. I suppose that answers my question. My point was that I dont hear any vast difference in these new records (except that they arent scratched up). If the answer is that the wider grooves/newer records sound better, ok, thats the answer I was looking for... Gracias.
  20. Right, but why not? There didnt seem to be a problem 30 years ago fitting albums on one LP. And as for wider grooves, again, why? What is/was wrong with the grooves on older records? The bias towards vinyl among audiophiles was developed with those older records. So, obviously, those older records sounded fine. Why the move to these wider grooves?
  21. I have noticed that there is a weird click whenever I pick up the phone in my apt to call someone.... Weird.
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