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Everything posted by Edie

  1. NPR story from 10/08/2009 Listen to it.... would like to know what you think about the story's conclusions. EDIT -- others can certainly comment too -- just want to hear Dr. Willlie's take on this.
  2. Still a pretty small % of the overall population I was pretty surprised -- didn't even know he was nominated. I hope he lives up to it.
  3. Deer MB: "The Same Thing" from 3-18-67 Two words: WOOOO-AH That is all.
  4. I like that the boys are headed directly north in February. No wimping out with a southern tour for a winter break!
  5. Basically, "I say it's wrong because I think it's wrong."
  6. In case this hasn't been mentioned, Consumer Union (publisher of Consumer Reports) has taken a firm stand on the issue of healthcare -- through the eyes of consumers. Excerpt from this: Prescription for Change
  7. Chicago is not perfect -- far from it. But is London any better? Is Rio any better? Don't people in these places complain about pretty much the same things -- transit, education, crime, housing? No city is utopia. Hosting an Olympics may end up helping these things -- certainly transit and crime -- and can help housing by converting the Olympic village to permanent, mixed income housing. I am now thinking that another bid in 2020 for Chicago makes sense for several reasons: 1. In 2020 it will have been 24 years since the summer games were in the US -- a long time. 2. Geographically, the O
  8. He used to be a dirty young man. I have a friend (well, knew her in grade/high school) that worked on his show in the early days; wonder if he banged her.
  9. If it's possible, I'm sadder than I was this afternoon. 2020 is probably out, and 2024 is just a long way off. Damn.
  10. Hey, I'm being emotional here. Facts don't enter into it
  11. It's almost like the world just said "screw you" to the US. Well, world, next time you all need aid after some tsunami or earthquake or fucked up dictator takes a populace for a ride, call up Brazil. They'll help you -- not. Of course, I don't really feel that way, but I am upset.
  12. Shit. I am surprised how upset I am.
  13. I dunno -- I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and an amazing chance to showcase our city. I am really hoping we do get them.
  14. I'm all for renting out our house and spending the time on vacation somewhere -- watching on TV.
  15. This is the one thing I fear. Rio has a high crime rate though and that includes a lot of petty crime like pickpocketing. Plus, NPR was saying this am that the Olympics usually bring in about 20% more for the rights to broadcast in the US when they are here.
  16. I know what people here are thinking -- Chicagoans are spoiled -- "First you people have Obama, then you get the olympics, and even more importantly, WILCO!"
  17. I back the bid, though there certainly plenty of people that don't. I think it would be a once in a lifetime chance.... A little magic in the next couple days and we'll land them!
  18. I think I best like the fact that there are 50 pages of posts about a band who hasn't made a new record in 40 years.
  19. Well, clearly I am in the minority. But that's what makes these threads fun and interesting.
  20. I would like to argue that he has already been punished -- 30 years of avoidance and self-imposed exile. Is it the same as additional incarceration? No, definitely not. Sleepless nights? I'll bet. Changing plans/avoiding countries because he feared being extradited? Definitely.
  21. Part of what freaks me out so much with the stereo version is the way the "music" (sounds?) jumps from speaker to speaker. Big time acid flashback!
  22. Interestingly, Revolution #9 becomes way more listenable in mono. I listened all the way through when at the office -- it became white noise as opposed to stick knitting needles in your ears bad.
  23. I think you and I are just going to disagree on this one
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