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Everything posted by Edie

  1. I saw Dirty Dancing 2 times the week it came out -- with my mom both times He was a heart-throb in the best sense of the word. RIP and the best to his family.
  2. I really need to see the original documentary. We canceled Netflix for lack of use; I wouldn't mind just buying it. I didn't even know about the musical! Clearly I need to get out more I though that both Drew and Jessica were terrific -- one scene that sticks out in my mind is the one with Jackie in the garden; which also reminds me of the one when the Edies are dressed in black listening to JFK's funeral in the same place they always were.... in bed.
  3. Interestingly, right now the Supreme Court is considering arguments on whether or not to allow corporations to contribute to political campaigns by using the first amendment right of free speech as the basis. My 401K and investments (which are considered by most to be a necessity - not a luxury - to retire) are poured into these very same corporations who can then "choose" to put money behind politicians or PACs whose opinions I may not wish to have my money behind. I have no choice in the matter there either. I guess I could just decide not to put money into them, just as you could decide not
  4. I have the V0 versions and am thinking about going back for the FLACs.
  5. This does really get to the heart of the argument. These are also the people that want to limit access to birth control (pre-conception), and insist that kids under 18 talk to their parents about it first. I think that while kids (and adults) need to better understand the possible consequences of their actions - meaning unplanned pregnancy - the reality is that the moment often overtakes good decision making. Then the really ugly decision comes up: what to do with an unplanned baby.
  6. If you ignore that he wrote this "to" a woman who was locked up for 18 years, it is pretty entertaining.
  7. In a minor defense of Wilson, in the sentences just prior to the "heckle", repubs were all grumbling and some were being pretty vocal in their displeasure. Poor ole Joe was probably expecting the other guys to kinda chime in with him, and no one else did. Pretty comical, actually.
  8. OK, I think that BO did great tonight -- hopefully this will really help to achieve dialog with those willing to talk and listen. I only wish that he had spoken up a month ago
  9. I have them both - only just DLed. I was trying to make an educated guess how I heard them first. All I know is that, upon first listen of "A Hard Days Night", I can almost hear the hisses and pops we had on the records - it's that good Edit: Holy crap -- Come Together is a revelation! Who knew it ever sounded like this?? All the vibrations and end of notes are way more pronounced then I recall with earlier versions. Certainly it could have been lousy equipment I was listening with, but this is pretty amazing. I like it!
  10. I snagged both in V0. I have to say, this is one of the few times I don't feel even the tiniest bit guilty about this, since we have both bought so much Beatle music in various forms over the years and we'll probably buy these anyway I am putting the mono versions from the beginning through rubber soul in mono on my ipod, and the balance in stereo. I think that's about how I heard them the first time. We got a stereo sometime in the mid 60s, if I recall.
  11. I occasionally monitor what conservatives are saying; this whole episode takes the cake in fear-mongering and self-made hysteria. It really does border on the insane.
  12. Pardon me if I am late to the party -- this was FABULOUS and I hope it wins the boatload of Emmys it deserves. Funny, sad, horrifying, winning -- it has it all. And best of all -- real. How did I ever miss the original documentary? Now I know my next avatar
  13. You know, that microphone looks a little like an ice pick in Elton's chest, doesn't it
  14. That's great Do the editors know Wilco too or do they think you are just randomly putting the letters on someone's T-shirt?
  15. Holy moly -- Alissa! (and the furniture rawks)
  16. As my maiden name is Cutler, it sure is weird to have all of these people screaming it now. If I went to a game, I'd be inclined to turn around and yell "WHAT DO YOU WANT??" every time.
  17. Q for JAK -- are you any good at Jumbles? Do they make you figure it out before you create your illustration?
  18. Wilco concert policies, just in case people were wondering - though I have surely dialed friends during songs and held up my phone.
  19. I forgot how good this is. Ovation is the best thing to happen to TV, like, ever.
  20. Me too. I have cried several times this week. I am hoping that we can get some sanity around the healthcare debate and make some real, meaningful change that would make him proud.
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