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Everything posted by Edie

  1. He did time. Maybe it wasn't enough to fit the crime -- but there was a deal, and it disappeared. That's why he left in the first place more than 30 years ago.
  2. OK, so the White Album in mono is just.... wow. Is it me or is "Don't Pass Me By" at some higher octave? My music knowledge is pretty lame; all I know is that it seems "higher" in mono.
  3. First, there is the back story (which I read in Vanity Fair some years ago, so my recollection may be a bit off) which laid a lot of blame at the feet of the mother of the victim, who put up her daughter to the claim. Secondly, Roman then pled guilty to a lesser charge, served 30 days, then was the victim of a reneged deal. I think he did want to put it behind him (which is why he served some time), but then the judge decided to change the deal. Hopefully this time he will be able to put it behind him. From the AP update:
  4. From the AP: I am in the "leave him alone" camp.
  5. Hmm. I am going to need to load that onto my iPod.
  6. Some of the best Wilco shows I have seen have been in Chicago (Residency x 5, Vic 2005) Some of the worst Wilco shows I have seen have been in Chicago (Katrina benefit 2005, Pritzker Pavillion 2007)
  7. I didn't say that she isn't a victim. Consensual to me means (Dick tionary needs to help out) that she was agreeing to have sex with him, after the initial rape. Clearly, this is a seriously messed up situation, but I can't help but think of the moth/flame analogy -- even after the moth gets singed the first time and pain is inflicted and it knows it hurts, it goes back for more anyway. That is an addict's dilemma.
  8. Dunno -- I think it's awful no matter what, but if you get to the point where it truly is consensual (looking forward to it, helping to plan etc), then aren't you a "willing partner"? If you simply stop fighting either physically or emotionally, it is still assault.
  9. This is one of the funniest threads in the history of this board. Seriously people, lighten up.
  10. And I am 100% sure that my 11 year old would not care Also, I am still waiting for the explanation of how Obama = Hitler
  11. And these are just the deaths in a year. Think of how many seeds (meaning delayed health care) are planted every year for deaths and disabilities further down road.
  12. I think the best show was Saturday the 16th, but my favorite is Wednesday 20th.
  13. Just as I suspected. You mean like insurance companies have right now when funds for care are withdrawn/refused??
  14. Can someone explain how/why it makes sense to equate Obama and Hitler?
  15. Derek Jeter Honored for Having Fewer Hits Than Harold Baines
  16. They didn't put him in blackface -- nor is that a doctored photo. Willie, you have to admit, that is some sick, scary stuff. And frankly, they are both appalling.
  17. I only now realized that these pictures are not of Heath Ledger's Joker, but of Barack Obama in whiteface. This shit is sicker than anything that was ever put forth about Bush. I heard a story on NPR yesterday with some woman from the recent religious convention in Indiana (Focus on the Family and similar groups). She said how we was afraid that we have become a socialist nation with the takeovers of the banks and auto companies and now healthcare. She said she wanted to have "leave the same America for her kids as her parents left for her". I could not help but think that without the polic
  18. NPR did a piece on her this am. I cried like a baby -- their music meant so much to me. As a kid as we sang a bunch of songs in music class, though I didn't necessarily know what I was singing. RIP Mary -- you were loved and respected by millions.
  19. Jesus. How could I foget Ghost?
  20. I feel the EXACT same way about Reggie Miller, though we know who generally got the best of that matchup, don't we
  21. And Your Bird Can Sing. Game over, case closed Oh and Do You Want To Know A Secret
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