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Everything posted by Tweedling

  1. I have drank too much and posted on here too. It's ok.
  2. Why are some people calling Zimmerman a racist?
  3. Froggie, I enjoy autobiographies but I've come to the conclusion if you want the good, the bad and the ugly you can't depend on "that" person to give it to you. However, I do want to know his point of view. Thanks to everyone. Sir Stewart, you are the 2nd or 3rd person to recommend Scaduto's book. Looks good.
  4. I am constantly growing in my appreciation for this man's musical creations. It's interesting how as my life continues his music, which for the most part was created before my life began, seems to fit into it one way or another. What might not have moved my mind and soul 10 years ago seems to be the perfect fit for me today even though it was there the whole time! I've always said music knows no age and I'm thanking my lucky stars that my age doesn't keep me from enjoying, understanding or feeling that Bob Dylan's music is right for me at the right times. His life and his music continues to in
  5. Damn it! I still have not heard or seen laminated cat with the entire band! I want that.
  6. My conservative friends and family think I'm too liberal and my liberal friends and family think I'm too conservative. I'm drawn to the lyrics of Bob Dylan: "It’s a restless hungry feeling That don’t mean no one no good When ev’rything I’m a-sayin’ You can say it just as good. You’re right from your side I’m right from mine We’re both just one too many mornings An’ a thousand miles behind"
  7. Seems to be quite complicated but maybe it's just me.
  8. Does anyone know what the feck is going on in Egypt? Are these guys mad about the man they voted into office not long ago?! What are they protesting?
  9. I can't remember if I've posted this before but I just love Roy Clark.
  10. Not a thing? Not even the likelihood of it being in her purse? Or that she, at the very least, had proper training and a familiarity to a handgun? Not a thing... ok.
  11. I guess there is a chance that the thug that busted her door down might have gotten what he deserved. The gun ownership in Texas is much higher than in New Jersey. Surprise. What I found humorous was that the total of people polled for both states was almost 6,000 despite Texas having almost 3 times the population as NJ. The cautionary note on the other link states that, "..caution should be used when making inferences or statements about the states' true values based on a ranking of the estimates." It really doesn't matter because we can all find a poll or study that will reflect exactly w
  12. You're naive if you think gun ownership is not a deterrent in Texas. Maybe I'm missing something but both links seem to suck. One comes with a cautionary note and another samples only 5,000 people in Texas. I know you can't question every person in Texas but c'mon. (and it was easy to google gun laws in NJ. They have a conceal and carry law but it's all but impossible unless youre a retired law enforcement officer)
  13. Wow. What a tough guy. What are the gun laws like in New Jersey? He probably knew the chance of the house having a firearm in it was slim.
  14. "TOO BE BLOWN!" That shit gives me chills. Rock and fuckin Roll!
  15. Not trying to be a smart ass but what facts are you referring to that are depressing?
  16. I usually don't refer to men as "Miss" or another female name but I know behind a keyboard and a monitor people can become more brave than when in a face to face conversation. As far as a general political comment, I think I'm in agreement with the presidents recent comments about the NSA and their collection of Metadata. I read because of some of the data collected 20 terror plots have been thwarted around the world.
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