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Everything posted by jhc

  1. Those seem really nice, but I don't think a lot of people prefer Tubescreamer-type pedals with AC-30s, which unfortunately rules out a lot of nice, cheap ODs (Digitech Bad Monkey, Boss SD1 both ~ $40, used Vox Valvetone $80-100, etc...)
  2. sounds like the very first time is an octave lower, the other 3 sound the same to me edit: maybe not actually a whole octave lower. try this: play these chords as E-shape barre chords: G Am Bbm Bm but just finger picking the 1st and 3rd strings - that's the "normal" way to play it. Now try the same thing with the 2nd and 4th strings - does that sound like the first riff on the album? I'd do it, but I don't really care anymore
  3. What about death penalty for cases where DNA evidence confirms guilt?
  4. Of course that's true. And even if he hadn't it would have been a dumb joke from a guy who got the same grades as Bush in college and voted to authorize the war. And he really should just STFU. But the larger issue IMO is that many Republicans are still insisting that Kerry called the troops dumb when it is painfully obvious that he didn't.
  5. I think the outcomes of our revolution might have been a touch different.
  6. Given the context of the "joke" it was pretty obvious early yesterday that Kerry was referring to Bush, and then Kerry gave another press conference yesterday afternoon to explcitly explain this. Calibur's first post was sad spin. Maybe not his spin, but it was exactly the spin that Bush, Snow et al. were and still are using today. It's not entirely surprising to me that seing those comments repeated today could evoke a frustrated response. That doesn't John Smith a fucking asshole.
  7. I'm not sure if there's a particular way Tweedy does it when playing solo, but if there is I haven't learned it. Seems you could just play the chords as arpeggios to get something that sounds like the album. There's also the electric guitar bit on the E and the D chord in the intro. Over the E chords it's: e---7-7 b---7-7b9 same riff 2 frets down on the D chord
  8. on the album or on a solo acoustic version?
  9. I haven't heard too many people calling for simply injecting undifferentiated stem cells into people (except for those wackjobs in Barbados) for therapy. I think the idea is to differentiate them first. As for adult stem cells, their potential to differentiate into different lineages is very unclear at the moment. The early reports in mice which were so excitedly received at first turned out to be experimental artifact due to cell fusion, not transdifferentiation.
  10. how would they get Locke's X-ray?
  11. awesome PS - if you want the chords to line up, you can use dashes instead of spaces like this -----D-------------------A-------------G e----------------------------------------------------------- B----------------------------------------------------------- G---2-----2---2---------2---------------0----0-------------- D---2h4---4---2h4p2-0---2----5-4--2-----0h2--0------0------- A-----------------------0----0-0--0-------------0h2----0h2-- E---------------------------------------3----3--3------3----
  12. dude, I don't know how you figure some of this stuff out, but I continue to be impressed Many thanks
  13. except for the riff that comes just before the "was i in your dreams" line, those chords are accurate. (I'm pretty positive since I just performed this last night) The riff is this: e---3--5-6-7- b------------ g---4--5-6-7- you can also keep going up and play the C chord as e---8 b---- g-7s9
  14. sigh.... you're supposed to make a sign
  15. There is, but you better hurry as it will be going on indefinite hiatus in 2007
  16. Either Way Give the tapers a little time to get the recent solo stuff online
  17. He's no Jay Bennett, that's for sure.
  18. I thought that was understood
  19. True. I guess the exceptions are going to be the new songs - Tweedy might write songs with an electric part for himself, but I don't see him taking those solos over Nels (a la Impossible Germany)
  20. True, though that would be awfully arbitrary and punitive to the show to fire an actor who was arrested and later cleared. I'm still hoping he's just promoting something else.
  21. THe code should work.... you have (code) and (/code) flanking your tab (except with square, not round brackets?)
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