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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP


    Agreed. Lost is the Sgt. Peppers of television. Nothing even comes close.
  2. I got a PM from this person as well, with a link (I didn't open) from Russia.
  3. I think Crosby wasn't ready to be captain and that's why he's being so "whiney" and "bitchy", he's doing his best to be a leader but he just doesn't know how yet. Maybe Bill Guerin can teach him a thing or two. Anyways, teams are signing a lot of NCAA players this season, due to changes in the CBA (something about players becoming UFAs at a younger age now?). As a Western Canadian the NCAA is kind of a mystery to me. Do any of you yanks know about Eric Walsky, Evan Oberg, or Matt Gilroy? The Canucks signed Walksy, are apparently going to sign Oberg, and are in the sweepstakes for Gilroy.
  4. "Good Times & Good Brews with... Wilco"
  5. Yeah, I agree, I'd rather see my Canucks go against the Hawks or Flames too. Jeeze anyone see Sidney Crosby today? What a little cry baby.
  6. Looks like CBJ may be up against the Red Wings in round one.... I really think a team like the Blue Jackets would match up well against the Wings, especially with Osgood playing the way he has lately.
  7. Untrue fact. Actually, that's an outright lie. But that's just my opinion.
  8. Not me, the only TV shows I ever watch are "The Beachcombers", "Trailer Park Boys", and "Kenny vs Spenny". I only own records by Anne Murray, Neil Young, and The Band. Anyways, I'm off to drink maple syrup flavoured beer. Oh and my favorite movie is "Bon Cop, Bad Cop", of course.
  9. It's about time lamp posts started riding on humanity's coat tails and contributed to society!!!
  10. Just one of those things that make you appreciate the time we have. Anyways, who is growing a playoff beard? Now that the Canucks have clinched I have started mine, it's not the best looking beard in the world, I blame my slightly Native ancestry for that but it's not going to stop me. EDIT: Tim Thomas is the man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC51RZNmQBw
  11. Personally, I look forward to the New World Order.
  12. I don't believe that spoiler because that means
  13. I finally know something about Iowa!
  14. Ugh I know, I can't think of anything worse happening to a young guy like Pyatt. If anything, hopefully this can rally the guys and they can go all the way for both Pyatt and Carly.
  15. I answer to no ones rules but my own! EDIT: Ok, you're right. They're back to normal. Now I just have to hope Mason and Nash can pull together a whole lot of wins and the Hawks and Flames continue their choking ways.
  16. When I wrote that, the difference was only 3 points. I based that just on the fact that the BJs are a lot hotter then both Calgary and Chicago but now it'll probably be a lot harder for them to pull through. I edited didn't edit because you're probably right. Actually, Anaheim is pretty hot right now, I could see them moving to 6th as well. Grr... it's all so tight right now.
  17. Kind of like watching Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader, only it wasn't totally lame.
  18. I don't know think Richard knows what's going to happen, otherwise he would have known who Locke was. So when did Kate realize the girl she knew was Sawyer's babies momma??
  19. First in the North West! After only winning one game in January!!!!!! You guys have no idea how excited I am. Especially after last year..... You know you're in Canada when you're getting in street fights over hockey. I swear, every time I see some asshole with a Flames jersey who walks by me, I contemplate throwing a punch.... The worst is when I see Leaf fans in BC! Hey let's make predictions!!! And then when the playoffs start we can see how right we were. WEST 1. San Jose 2. Detroit 3. Vancouver 4. Columbus 5. Calgary 6. Chicago 7. Anaheim 8. St. Louis EAST 1. Boston 2. Washington
  20. I'm going to start deleting my posts so we never get to that point. Until I run out of posts to delete. Then I will give up. In fact, I am going to give up on this now.
  21. In my opinion each season is better than the last, this one is no exception. Agreed! Sayid and I have one thing in common, poor choice in women.
  22. Coaching change needed? That would be my... diagnosis, har har.
  23. I don't know what it is but I hate the Habs now. Maybe their arrogant fan base is starting to wear on me.
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