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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. I'd brand it on my left lower back above the waist line of my corduroy shorts.
  2. frosty wilco jesus medallions r a must.
  3. I don't think any one on young god records could sell that place out.
  4. rofls I really needa get a big ass wilco sticker to put on my jetta.
  5. Tupac had way better flow and a million times more emotion and sincerity than big ever had.
  6. well at least I don't have to feel bad about missing nothing. Since I seem to miss all the webcasts.
  7. that's way rad. I hope a recording surfaces soon. Did he play anything else? or was it just everything from ISAD?
  8. The drone is pretty nice but they could have done it better, more interesting maybe. It builds very nicely but there isn't too much variation in it. which is good too but ah oh well.
  9. less than you think always gets me.
  10. I'm actually realy stoked they got this VW deal.
  11. this just in! Wilco was on a martha stewart soundtrack.
  12. so den I was like damn negro back up you almost stepped on my nikes.
  13. i think this thread needs to be locked. this has gotten way to outta hand.
  14. who akron? I think you should especially if you like gastr. the song black horse sounds like it could be an akron/family song. just remembered I have a show on my blog if you wanna check it out. worlds best dad
  15. if you get a chance to get some of their cdrs those are really good as well. they have one called "Akron" its my favourite thing they've done so far.
  16. Chris Bell's solo album
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