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Everything posted by Reni

  1. We bought a '99 Civic about a month ago - mainly because our old beater 93 Accord is on its last legs - but we are getting about 32MPG in it, which is nice. Graham bikes to work on some days, though he had an accident a couple weeks ago and it looks like frame is f*cked.
  2. roly poly tumble mumble pell mell!
  3. Phineas!!! AWWWW! Those are great pics Rocky!!! And I don't know where our sofa set came from - we got them on craigslist - but that fabric is identical. So, probably form Jennifer!
  4. awww Bailey Anne is SO CUTE!!! okebo - I think we have the same sofa - or at least one made from the same fabric
  5. awwww I love Goldens........bulldogs? not my favorite - but that one's a cutie!
  6. I got that Golden Books book for a friend of mine for her birthday a few months ago. She loved it. I need to add that one to my list.
  7. that's so cool your dog got to make out with Michael Jackson.
  8. I thought it was a good speech and I was fine with her talking about her own campaign. It is a watershed moment in history to have had a viable female candidate. Props to her. I mean how does one admit defeat gracefully? I think she did a fine job of that, while acknowledging the importance of her campaign.
  9. boooooo Red Wings!! yaaaaay babies!!! CONGRATS TIM!!! This is so exciting!!
  10. did you eat Bob Dole's peanut butter?
  11. I know I mentioned this before - but I started it yesterday. It is crazy!! On the train I was either giggling or picking my chin up off the floor. A friend and I are having a mini long distance book club - this is our first pick.
  12. from everything I gathered from Hillary's statements - it had more to do with the fact that RFK was behind and still in the race when he was assassinated in June 1968. I really don't hear an "if Obama were to be assassinated" statement here. Granted, a poor choice of topics, words, etc.....but I don't think it was meant the way many have taken it.
  13. (man, we are geeks..... )
  14. anything about molasses?
  15. Ari loves America Scott hates America Don't tell Canada.
  16. my mom's hybrid can get between 50-60MPG - and on the highway, you can push it to 70MPG - though it isn't a very functional car - 2 seater with limited space in the back hatch. But, she's single and doesn't drive too much. Works well for her. I drove it for awhile during my last year in STL, and Graham and I once drove it from STL to NY and back. It's a nice lil car.
  17. I am reading this for a class I am in right now......interesting cognitive/behavioral approach to addressing issues of addiction. I haven't finished it yet, so I can't give it a thumbs up or down, but so far find it interesting and a quick read.
  18. the way you worded it, I wasn't sure. I loved it when I was a kid - the book, too.
  19. had you really never seen The Outsiders before?
  20. we really enjoyed Young at Heart - though student discounts don't seem to exist anymore - well apparently they give student discounts on Thursdays. We have decided that we will now only rent and hit the $3 second run theatre form now on. We can't afford a night at the movies anymore. geez. This was one of my favorite parts of the movie - the group does Sonic Youth's Schizophrenia
  21. I will have to look for it at the video store. Tonight, since Graham has returned , we are going to a movie......
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