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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. It's been discussed. Use the search feature. Apparently he's a huge fan of Achtung Baby.
  2. All of the songs are by the same artist.
  3. That's awesome that there's a cassette in the Super Deluxtable edition
  4. Well, the time I was thinking of specifically was in Atlanta where hot chicks are into good music and getting trashed. And they played a lot of covers. They sounded like what I imagine it would sound like if Frank Zappa played your wedding. I was up front dancing and it was all females.' But yeah proggish, jam bad shredders is a good way to put it. They're talented but completely devoid of soul
  5. The only thing I get out of this whole thing, from listening to that mashup, Coldplay would be a lot better band with a lead guitarist.
  6. They're talented musicians. A guess they're a jamband. They play a lot of covers. Every time I've seen them a lot of hot chicks have been there. I would go to a show to get laid but I wouldn't buy one of their records.
  7. Moe, that's what I was afraid of, and that Supernatural remark is scary!!! I'm going to pick it up, but looking at the tracklist it looks kid of boring. I was hoping they would do some collaborative writing rather than play standards. Can't wait to hear the Ribot/Tyner improvisations, though. I saw there's a DVD with it. Any good?
  8. A recent live version of Kingpin.
  9. Dear chumley, I've never seen Prison Break so excuse my ignorance, please. Have they broken out of prison yet? Why does this show need multiple seasons? Thanks, mfwahl
  10. Good work! I won't be watching this show. The guy is just not funny. Looking forward to see what Conan can do.
  11. What's this like? I saw the personnel listing and it looks seriously tits. I'll have to get it.
  12. I didn't go last year because I had just seen Dr. Dog, Wilco wasn't playing, the National got a really short set (like 45min?), and the schedule was horribly set up. Last year's schedule now looks amazing compared to this. I'm interested to see what Bonnaroo's lineup will look like this year. A lot of these festivals that got off the ground because of the jamband scene are now going very mainstream and turning into mini Woodstock II's.
  13. I gotta say this lineup kind of sucks. Ryan Adams is already playing in Florida, so I'll probably go see that date and skip this festival. bobbob, you planning on going to this?
  14. I love your work. And I've always wanted to thank someone responsible for making museum presentations stylish and modern becuase I fucking love museums. So, thanks.
  15. Oh, it's like moose or salmon. I still think it sounds wrong.
  16. I am both shocked and awed by the size of this guy's balls. How did he think he wouldn't get caught?
  17. I would take part in this discussion but I've already posted twice in a thread called "calling all geeks"
  18. I checked out some of the albums in the list I haven't heard. I like the Calexico and Helio Sequence a lot. Helio Sequence paticularly; some of it sounds like it could be straight from the 80s and some sounds like Dylan outtakes. Really good.
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