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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. It's still illegal in the U.S. on military bases. And wasn't legalized nationally until 2003. I guess we still have a long way to go.
  2. Well, Boras' response was in agreement and explained that Tex is now whittling down teams so his choice is easier next week. So unless they're both bluffing us, I'd say the Sox are out. On MLB's Free Agent Frenzy, I picked him staying with the Angels, but my gut says the Nationals. My gut also has strong feelings about pizza and calamari so who knows.
  3. This is a ridiculous comparison. My initial reaction was that I liked it. It's great for appearances. It's ballsy. A lot of what the Obama administration has to do initially is show how it is different from the Bush administration. To me, this is to show he will the be the President of the entire country, not just the people that support him. Not only did I not agree with Bush, but I didn't agree with how he did things. I don't want to be now, "look my side won, it's our turn." We need fundamental transformational change in this country and that will only come if we have an open dialogue.
  4. I kind of like Spitzer's idea on the auto bailout. Have them fight over it and not everyone gets one. Whoever has the best plan for reform wins. We can't just give them a bridge fund to continue what they're doing, but at the same time we can't lose the infrastructure and our economy may not be able to handle the hit if they fold.
  5. Oh, cool, so it counts for both years. Glad that's settled.
  6. We have long and short vowels in America. It's a melting pot.
  7. I'm enjoying the pictures. Thanks for sharing!
  8. The Good: Ooh Child The Bad: If You Leave Me Now The Ugly: Afternoon Delight
  9. This has to be fake. Shia LeBouf as Robin? I can't see Christopher Nolan picking him.
  10. Desperation is a stinky cologne. I'll check it out when I get home; I'm usually on here at work.
  11. Why only Southern Californians? That's geographist.
  12. This is my blog post where I put them up. The links should work. Feel free to peruse my other ramblings. http://mindgorilla.blogspot.com/2008_11_01_archive.html
  13. They said they will announce a 2009 tour at the beginning of the year. I have seen some rumors for dates but they seem so absurd they're not worth rementioning.
  14. I'd like to see Let's Fight on the new record. It would definitely sound better with the new songs we've heard than with some of the SBS material.
  15. I speak American English and most oftener then knot am rite
  16. I tell ya, TV news stations shouldn't be allowed to have websites. All caps? Is PANTHER's real name Ken Bell? Rocco has clarified those earlier statements with more details here. http://blogs.tampabay.com/rays/2008/12/baldelli-an-enc.html Oh, and it looks like Furcal's staying with the Dodgers. Those agents sure are crafty!!!
  17. I like it, but I'm holding off on "rating" it until they're done with it.
  18. I'm now thinking Furcal's agents played the Braves to get the Dodgers to increase their offer. Whatevs. Furcal's kind of a gamble anyway. We'll see. Has anyone seen a dollar figure on the Red Sox offer to Tex? I've seen 8 years but no dollar amount.
  19. His agent says it's not done and is giving Dodgers time to make an offer. It will end today, though.
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