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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I like those. I like the one of the house on your blog. The glare from the sun interacts with the viewfinder really well.
  2. Looks like it's not on hulu yet. EDIT: Wow, I didn't realized Fred Savage was involved with this show or that he is such a prolific TV director.
  3. On the top left of the page, there's a link to Lennonchords mirror. It'll take you to these: Lennon Solo & Beatles tunes McCartney Solo & Beatles tunes Harrison They're not as detailed as the Dylan pages, just chord changes. But at the end of each tab there is a quote from an interview concerning each song such as: NOTE: "[This song was one I wrote when I had first been introduced to pot. I'd been a rather straight working-class lad but when we started to get into pot it seemed to me to be quite uplifting. [...] So [it] is really a song about that, it's not to a person." (Paul McCa
  4. "There's a delicious irony in seeing private luxury jets flying in to Washington, D.C., and people coming off of them with tin cups in their hands." - Rep. Gary Ackerman, D-NY
  5. I wonder if she writes like a bebop saxophonist
  6. Never been that much into Conor or Bright Eyes, but this was one of the best shows I have ever seen. The songs on the new album are much better live. The lead guitarist was great. Also, the warm up act the Felice Brothers were really good, joined Conor for a song. Both bands had a Bob Dylan and the Band feel.
  7. Oh, yeah that's my holy grail. Also has Beatles/Lennon solo/McCartney solo/Harrison solo. Can't get enough of that site.
  8. Thanks for the recommendations, Arianna Huffington and Kelly Clarkson. What do you have to do with this?
  9. Wow. Good for the Democrats, and Republicans have to be relieved a little.
  10. Lots of growling and biting going on here.
  11. Their myspace says Washington D.C. & Lexington, KY. You both get a gold star.
  12. Lisa Turtle? Are we onto Saved By the Bell now?
  13. It's too cold. Come down to Florida guys!!!
  14. Mauer's team didn't go to the playoffs Cubs re-sign Dempster. Submit questions to Scott Boarass: http://transcripts.usatoday.com/Chats/transcript.aspx?c=1842
  15. Thanks! That's a great read. I'm totally jealous of Fred Kevorkian's gear and abilities. That's cool he's willing to explain all of that.
  16. Farm Aid 2005, methinks. (I'm sure acutally)
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