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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I've been lurking this forum today and like it so far. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. SPOILER ALERT!!!!! Is that like jumping the shark?
  3. For some reason I can't get this at work. Is this like a canine Truman Show?
  4. Too soon to start a come to Florida thread?
  5. They're always available on his website.
  6. Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program
  7. I just thought it was funny. I definitely think he deserves it this year. But I can understand his former frustration. Most valuable doesn't mean best so it's kind of ambiguous.
  8. "I see it this way: Someone who doesn't take his team to the playoffs doesn't deserve to win the MVP." - Albert Pujols
  9. Check out Analogman's signature. They are very easy to use.
  10. The interviews with Airto on that DVD are inspirational. He has such a great soul. I'm pretty positive he was tripping his balls off during Isle of Wight (or he was posessed).
  11. I believe every song is open E or D, except If You See Her, Say Hello which is standard tuning.
  12. Is that the DVD with the complete Isle of Wight performance? I used to watch that every morning for a couple months after it came out.
  13. The first season is a great ride. Watching the second, I feel like they didn't expect to be picked up again. No game plan.
  14. I think True Blood has gotten better over the past couple weeks. But Californication, yeah, it seems like they don't know where to go with that one, so they just have him get laid every week, yet we see less boobies than the first season.
  15. The 420 Pale Ale is amazing. Great balance of taste and drinkability (is this word now?). I try to drink as much as I can when I'm in ATL. Next time I'll have to hit up the brewery.
  16. Good luck, hope all goes well.
  17. I second Gone, Just like a Train. That is how the guitar should sound. For fans of MMW who play music, they started a summer camp this year. I hope to go if they do this again and have the money. Details here: http://www.mmw.net/campmmw/
  18. This guy? just kidding. Can't wait to get a chance to listen to this.
  19. Boulder Beer Co., Flying Dog... I love Oskar Blues. Everybody needs to try Dale's Pale Ale. Btw, I have no problem finding Bell's in Florida. Still haven't tried Oberon, though.
  20. Pretty good Op-Ed in the NY Times on Sunday by Wes Clark. What
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