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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. Such sad news, Steve. My heart goes out to you and all the Tweedys.
  2. I think there is great opportunity here. I think the government will have to do something to save the auto industry and will be able to move ahead with a green agenda becayse . I think a lot of the problems we're experiencing now are going to allow Obama to do good things he wouldn't have been able to otherwise. Instead of corporations controlling the government, we may see that get turned around to some degree, see the government making serious demands. But if people were calling Obama a socialist during the campaign....
  3. Represented by who, though? I think that's the point.
  4. Speaking of John Rocker, has anybody seen the movie The Greenskeeper?
  5. People bitching (having voted or not) and having an informed participating electorate are different. I think third parties are great and don't like the two party system, but you have to admit Democrats like Barack Obama, Howard Dean, Joe Trippi, David Plouffe and David Axelrod have helped bring about more enthusiasm and organization among the electorate in the past few years than third parties have. Third parties deserve some credit for this, of course (particularly on the local level). But when we see a sea change in Washington politics and corruption (and I think we will someday), it will be
  6. I can't imagine it wouldn't. Isn't that sort of the point of the book? Besides beginner books, most tab books have all the solos.
  7. I'm totally jealous. Is that a lefty or is your picture transposed?
  8. One thing for sure is universal healthcare needs to be part of this solution.
  9. If you have a good computer you might as well go for computer. Golden Smoghead has some good points. I started on Cubase years ago and there's a learning curve (I even took it as a class in college), but I'm going to check out that n-track Golden mentioned. If you can find a program that's simple, computers are great. I'm a visual person so computers are great for that, seeing all the tracks and notes right in front of you.
  10. Awesome. I'm thinking of picking this up. I remember reading somewhere that the tabs were approved by the band.
  11. If anyone is in the Tampa Bay, FL area and needs a job, I can help with leads as I work in employment advertising. I know about openings before they're public. Can't promise anything but drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do.
  12. Ray Parker Jr Ghostbusters? Please say yes!!! Also, how was Rig 1? I'm going next week.
  13. Laura Cantrell also released a version, never heard it though.
  14. My opinion is an analog 4 track or a digital 8 track. Something you can plug in and start using that also gives you overdub capability. I'm using a computer now, but I kind of wish I wasn't. While I have greater flexibility and can see everything in front of me on the screen, sometimes I'll run into a brick wall and it will take me a day just to figure it out. Really saps the creative juices from flowing. The main reason I use a computer (Cubase) is so that I can use MIDI for drums, strings, synths, and anything I don't have alway avaialble. And the SM57 is very versatile and affordable.
  15. I must be missing the joke. Who did Laura kill?
  16. I think that the reason this Congress has such a low approval rating is that: 1. Republicans who disagree with Democratic majority are going to disapprove. 2. Independents and Democrats that elected the Democratic majority are upset that the things that they wanted to get done aren't getting done. I would rate them low because the war is still going on but I would vote for more Democrats to get to a larger majority and/or a Democratic president who won't veto their legislation. So they're getting it from both sides. The real test will be what gets done over the next six months.
  17. Not to get ahead of myself, but my thought was to work both in somehow, but it may end up reading like a cryptogram clue.
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